Laura Madokoro
Membre associée
Professeure agrégée, Département d'histoire (Université Carleton)
Intérêts de recherche
Migration, villes refuge, histoire humanitaire, colonialisme de peuplement
Publications récentes
- “More Than a Face: Beyond Community,” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association (submitted October 2023).
- “On Teaching Human Rights History in a Settler Colonial Context,” American Review of Canadian Studies 53(1) (2023): 107 – 117.
- “Eurocentrism and the International Refugee Regime,” Journal of Modern European History 20(1) (February 2022), 34-39.
Sélection de publications
Sanctuary Transformed: Two Centuries of Flight, Fugitivity, and Resistance in a North American City (submitted 2023 to MQUP).
Laura Madokoro, Francine McKenzie et David Meren (dir.). Dominion of Race: Rethinking Canada's International History, Vancouver, UBC Press, 2017.
Laura Madokoro. Elusive Refuge: Chinese Migrants in the Cold War, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2016.
Laura Madokoro. « A Decade of Change: Refugee Movements from the Global South and the Transformation of Canada’s Immigration Framework », dans Canada and the Third World: Overlapping Histories, Karen Dubinsky, Sean Mills et Scott Rutherford (dir.), Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2016.
Laura Madokoro. « Transactions and Trajectories: The Social Life of Chinese Migrant Photographs », Photography and Culture, vol. VIII, no 3, 2015, p. 325-344.