Over the last couple of months, the Bensadoun School of Retail Management hosted special seminars with industry experts. In case you missed them, here are the details and event recordings.
Virtual Mini Retail Summit - February 19, 2021
Stefan Nandzik, Signifyd Senior Vice President, discussed how the customer journey will belong to marketing in the post-pandemic e-commerce world. Our second speaker, Davide Proserpio from the University of Southern California, shared his perspective on the business impacts of fake Amazon reviews.
Vaccines to Vaccinations - April 9, 2021
We hosted a special seminar featuring two experts on COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Brian Ward, an infectious diseases expert and vaccine developer, shared his medical knowledge on COVID-19 vaccines, and Dr. Tinglong Dai, a healthcare analytics expert, shared his perspectives on vaccine distribution and delivery.
How Network Business Models are Changing the Shape of Industry - April 16, 2021
We hosted a seminar featuring Prof. Marshall Van Alstyne from Boston University. We learned how business models are evolving and how economic forces have changed innovation, marketing, human resources, operations, and strategy. This seminar presented ideas that explain why platforms beat products and what strategies will help you manage it.
Note: Recording starts 10 minutes into the seminar