At the beginning of each semester you must review and confirm your accommodations:
- In ClockWork, select "Review and Confirm My Accommodations".
- Request your accommodations: select the term, courses, and accommodations you would like to use for each course.*
- Confirm if your accommodations require any changes, and submit.
*Requesting your course-specific accommodations is a requirement. Until this is done, you will not have access to: scheduling exams, alternate format requests, note-taking, and reasonable consideration requests.
Detailed instructions: How To Review and Confirm Your Accommodations
Watch the YouTube video: How to Review and Confirm Your Accommodations
- Complete the Review and Confirm My Accommodations module and select your course-specific accommodations. The accommodations selected here are the ones that will be available to you when booking your exams for the selected course.
- In ClockWork, select "Schedule a Test or Exam"
- Select "Schedule a test, mid-term or quiz"
- Select your course and enter the course and accommodation information.
- Confirm and Complete Test/Exam Booking.
View your booked exams in "My Upcoming Events" in the Student Test/Exam Booking and Accommodations module.
Detailed instructions: How to Schedule a Test or Exam
Watch the YouTube video: How to Schedule a Test or Exam
In ClockWork, select "My Calendar". Your calendar displays your upcoming appointments, tests or exams with Student Accessibility and Achievement. You can cancel appointments or tests here as well.
Detailed instructions: How to Access Your Calendar
Watch the YouTube video: How to Access Your Calendar
If alternate format is one of your accommodations:
- In ClockWork, select "Alternate Format Requests", and start a new request.
- Look under your "Registered Courses" for any alternate format material that is already available in the Student Accessibility and Achievement database for your course, and/or search for books by title or ISBN.
- If your book is not available, complete a "Request for Alternate Format Material Not Available in the Database" in ClockWork forms module.
Detailed instructions: How to Request Alternate Format
Watch the YouTube video: How to Request Alternate Format
- Select "Alternate Format Requests"
- Select "My requests". When materials are ready for download, click the download item.
- If you have requested a hard copy format (such as Braille), you will need to present yourself at the Student Accessibility and Achievement office to pick it up.
Detailed instructions: How to Access Alternate Format Files
If you have the peer note-sharing or paid note-taking accommodation:
- In ClockWork, select "Note-Users (to GET notes)".
- Select the "Courses/notes" tab
- Select the "notes" button next to your course.
Detailed instructions: How to Access Notes