A unique community, made together.
What makes McGill so special? The people here that support you and drive you to be your best.
Our beautiful campuses and world-class facilities are where the McGill experience starts.
What makes McGill so special? The people here that support you and drive you to be your best.
Our beautiful campuses and world-class facilities are where the McGill experience starts.
Gain hands-on experience and build valuable connections through internships, research programs and study abroad opportunities.
Affordable, multilingual, creative and bursting with culture, Montreal earns its stripes as one of the best student cities in the world.
Meet our creative students, discover the best study spots, and find out what makes this cosmopolitan city so awesome...all on our Instagram feed!
You have a ton of interests. How do they all fit together? With our flexible programs, you can design an education that plays to your creativity.
It’s never too early to start working on turning your passions into your profession. Astronauts, Nobel Prize winners, and trailblazers in every field started their career at McGill.
Do you want to live on campus, or in an iconic Montreal three-story walk up? Which of our 300+ clubs will you join? Start planning out your student experience.
This one-on-one virtual meeting with one of our student ambassadors is your chance to ask all of your questions about student life, academics, life in Montreal and much more.
Vous étudiez présentement au Québec et vous avez des questions sur le passage du cégep à l’université, la vie étudiante, les études en anglais ou la vie à Montréal ? Venez jaser avec une de nos ambassadrices étudiantes afin d’obtenir des réponses à vos questions!