No French language requirements for newly admitted students

Students beginning their studies in the Winter 2025, Fall 2025 and Winter 2026 semesters will not be required to achieve French proficiency before graduating.

You've made it to McGill!

You’re about to join a global community of driven students and professors who will inspire you to achieve

more than you ever thought was possible. Now it’s time to accept your offer and start planning your McGill experience.

Get to know your new community.

Two male students smiling, looking at laptop

What’s next?

Consult our step-by-step guide for newly admitted students to learn what you need to do now.

Group of smiling young students, sitting on stairs

The McGill experience

Everyone at McGill has a story of growth. Find out what students gain from their time here.

Find your community

Get the most out of your university experience

A wide range of student services is available to the diverse communities on campus. From clubs and social events to student associations and support groups, you’ll find a rich campus culture here.

Quebec students are eligible for up to $20,000 in scholarships

Several McGill programs are eligible for the Bourses Perspective Scholarship of a guaranteed $2,500 per successful term.

Apply for the new Community Leadership Entrance Award

This $5,000 award recognizes the non-academic achievements of Quebec students who demonstrate values such as empathy, integrity, determination and respect for others.

⭐ If you've been admitted to Dentistry, Law, Medicine, MusicSchool of Continuing Studies, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies or the Student Exchange Program, we encourage you to consult your program website to find information for newly admitted students.

What is advanced standing and transfer credit?

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