232 results in Downtown (Montreal) Campus (remove filter)
Major Concentration, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Mathematics and statistics are omnipresent in today's world of information and technology. Their theories, models, and methods are integral to the way we analyze, understand, and build the world around us. Mathematics plays a...
Major Concentration, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Le Département des littératures de langue française, de traduction et de création occupe une position unique à l'Université McGill, puisque tout s'y déroule en français au même titre que dans une université francophone. Situé...
Professional Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Do you have a passion for teaching and mentorship? Do you like working with children? If so, you may be the perfect fit for the B.Ed in Kindergarten and Elementary Education. This four-year program will allow you to gain your...
Joint Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Physics aims to understand how the universe functions, through the study of energy and matter in time and space. Chemistry seeks to identify the substances of which matter is composed, their properties and how they interact to...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you interested in a meaningful career that will advance positive social change? The Strategic Management—Social Business & Enterprise concentration will help you develop a strategic mindset to tackle pressing issues...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
McGill offers a unique English program with courses covering three closely linked subjects: English literature, drama, and cultural studies. This program allows you to explore all three subjects broadly while specializing in...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Honours BA Applied Mathematics program will provide you with fundamental knowledge of the various branches of mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, statistics and probability) among other areas of the...
Major, Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Offered as both a major and a concentration, Labour-Management Relations and Human Resources will give you the tools needed to practice human resource management, particularly in a unionized environment. Not only will Labour-...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Music, science and technology are increasingly intertwined. From new kinds of instruments and studio equipment, to computer programs and sound generators, technology has changed the music industry and made creating music more...
Major, Honours, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The brain is one of the most complex systems in the universe and understanding how it functions is one of science's most significant challenges. The BSc. Neuroscience Major program seeks to provide you with the knowledge...


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