New On-Campus Supervisor Access Request

New on-campus Supervisor

As a new Supervisor, you must ensure that:

  • you meet the eligibility requirements for the Work Study program for the current academic year
  • you complete and submit this form in order to request access to participate

The Work Study team will process your request and email you with their decision and any additional information.

IMPORTANT:  You must sign in with your McGill credentials in order to access the form.  If you do not have an mcgill email address, contact the Work Study team for more information.

Complete the form below

1 Start 2 Complete
Your name will default in automatically based on your login credentials.
Your email will default in automatically based on your login credentials.
Please enter your department/unit name. Please check for spelling errors before submitting.
Select your Faculty or Other Admin Unit your department belongs to from the drop down list. If you select Other Admin Unit, you will be required to enter the name of the Admin Unit your department belongs to. For example the department - Scholarships and Student Aid office belongs to the Student Services admin Unit.
Please type in the name of the Admin Unit that your department belongs to. For example the department - Scholarships and Student Aid office belongs to the Student Services Admin Unit.
Please enter your Supervisory ORG Unit (code starts with e.g. SO- 0000000 in WorkDay) used to pay students that you are requesting access to. The Supervisory ORG unit is used in WorkDay to process payroll. It is important to enter the Supervisory ORG Unit that will be used to pay students. The departmental Organization code is not the Supervisory ORG Unit. The Work Study Subsidy Management system will use this to match payroll records to approved Work Study students for the purposes of processing subsidy reimbursements. Contact your local HR administrator for more details relating to your Supervisory ORG.
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