Congratulations to Dr. Annie Trepanier and Dr. Aris Hadjinicolaou!
Dear psychiatry residents and faculty members,
Please join me in applauding two of our residents who have assumed very important leadership roles.
On behalf of myself and our residency program I heartily congratulate Dr. Annie Trepanier, an R5 in our program, for taking on the role of president of the Federation of Medical Residents of Quebec and Dr. Aris Hadjinicolaou for stepping up as president of the Association of Residents of McGill.
Dr. Tourian appointed as Post Graduate Program Director
Department of Psychiatry Message from the Chair’s Office
Dr. Nicola Casacalenda appointed as Associate Chair, Clinical Affairs
Dear Colleagues,
Associate Chair of Education
Dear Colleagues, Please join me in expressing our appreciation to Dr. Dara Charney for her hard work and outstanding service as Associate Chair of Education and Chair of the Departmental Promotions Committee. Her term ended on April 30, 2015.
Obituary- Dr. Frank R. Ervin (1926-2015)
Dear Colleagues, It is with much sadness that I communicate the passing of our esteemed colleague Frank Ervin last Friday in St Kitts. Frank was a pioneer clinician scientist, a visionary researcher, and an engaged social activist. Frank influenced the life and career of many of us. He was an excellent mentor and a source of inspiration.
MINDSTRONG fitness event- Dr. Karl Looper's interview on Global Morning News
Please follow the link below to see Dr. Karl Looper speak about MINDSTRONG, a fitness fundraising event to expand youth (ages 15-25) mental health programs at the Jewish General Hospital on Global Morning News.
In the News: "Fumer de la dynamite" - Dr. Gobbi on Radio Canada
To hear the interview, visit the link below:
ACCESS Canada-TRAM: The Douglas Institute at the heart of the future in youth care
Dr. Ashok Malla and his team leads ACCESS Canada project TRAM- Transformational Research in Adolescent Mental Health. To read more about this five year and 25$ M initiative jointly funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Graham Boeckh Foundation (GBF), click the following link.
In the News: How a man's hand can reveal how he may treat women- Co-authored by Dr. Simon Young
A study led by Professor Debbie Moskowitz of the Department of Psychology, and co-authored by Emeritus Professor Simon Young of the Department of Psychiatry, reveals how men with smaller index fingers and longer ring fingers are nicer towards women. To read more about the study and why, click the following links:
In the News: Dr. Howard Steiger - Quand l'anorexie atteint l'ADN on Radio-Canada
To read more and to listen, click the following link:
In the news: Dr. Sherif Karama on smoking and the brain
To learn more about Dr. Sherif Karama's study on how smoking thins the cortex of the brain, follow the links below:
In the News: Student Jay Olson's study attracts media attention
Graduate student Jay Olson who recently published a research paper with Professor Amir Raz is attracting positive media attention. Jay Olson was also interviewed by The Atlantic, CBC radio, Radio-Canada International, ABC (Australian) radio, and the National Post about his research. To read more about his work, please click the following links below:
In the News: Late Dr. Ted Sourkes' in the Globe and Mail
To read about the late Dr. Ted Sourkes's pioneering work on Parkinson's treatment, follow the link below:
In the news: L'Anorexie: Un trouble génétique induit par l'environnement - Dr. Howard Steiger & Dr. Linda Booij
To read more about what Dr. Howard Steiger and Dr. Linda Booij have to say, follow the link below:

Spotlight on Dr. Jaswant Guzder and Dr. Jens Pruessner
In this edition of Spotlight, we would like to congratulate Dr. Jaswant Guzder and Dr. Jens Pruessner for their promotion to the rank of Full Professor.