Obituary-Dr. Bernardo Durbovsky
DUBROVSKY, Dr. Bernardo O., MD
November 28, 1938 – October 7, 2016
News from the Graduate Program Director - New funding opportunities
Dear students and supervisors,
I hope you all had an enjoyable summer. I am writing to inform you of two important new benefits offered by our graduate program:
News from the Chair's Office - July 2016
Click to view the Department of Psychiatry News letter- July 2016
Obituary- Dr. Klaus Minde
It is with great sadness that we wish to announce the sudden death (due to a massive stroke) of Dr. Klaus Minde on July 6th, 2016.
Dr. Minde was one of the early members of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at McGill University and in that role, helped establish it as one of the first and leading Child Psychiatry Departments in Canada and North America.
Project Love: Mental Health and Well-Being in Montreal by Dr. Rob Whitley
Project Love is a collective of scholars based at McGill University whose mission is to (i) spread love on the streets of Montreal and beyond; (ii) better understand the nature of love and its impact on mental health and well-being (iii) combat the epidemic of loneliness and isolation plaguing many people.
Dr. Mark Brandon and Dr. Sylvia Villeneuve awarded Canada Research Chairs
Dr. Mark Brandon and Dr. Sylvia Villeneuve are among the twenty-five outstanding McGill researchers being awarded Canada Research Chairs.
For more information, visit the following link:

Obituary- Dr. Duncan Pedersen (1939-2016)
We are very saddened to annouce the passing of Dr. Duncan Pedersen, our dear colleague and friend. Dr. Pedersen had a sudden illness while in Chile for work on a project in Global Mental Health and passed away on January 27, 2016 . Our thoughts go out to his family and loved ones at this difficult time. Details for his memorial will be circulated as they are finalized.
Arabic-Speaking Psychiatrists
Dear Colleagues,
As you know, Quebec is expecting the arrival of thousands of Syrian refugees over the next several weeks.
We are anticipating that some of these refugees may eventually need specialized mental health services.
CCS and allied programs are willing to help, but we need to organize a list of Arabic-speaking psychiatrists who could be approached in time of need.
Mental Health in Newfoundland video- Dr. Robert Whitley
Dr. Robert Whitley and his team, Recovery Advocacy Documentary Action Research (RADAR) group, released a video titled Newfoundland Notions: In Search of the Good Life.
The film can be viewed here:
Awards Night 2015
Dear Residents and Faculty,
The Resident Awards Night took place at the Thomson House on November 10th. I would like to thank the MPRA and the Department of Psychiatry for making this a special evening where we were able to honor Faculty and Resident achievements.
Congratulations to the 2015 recipients of our annual Residents’ Awards:
Faculty Awards:
Dr. Carmella Roy - Best Clinical Supervisor for Senior residents
Global Mental Health at McGill
To read Dr. Duncan Pedersen and Dr. Laurence J. Kirmayer's editorial for McGillReporter, please click the following link:
Department of Psychiatry Newsletter - Summer/Fall 2015
Click to view: Summer/Fall 2015 Newsletter

Obituary - Dr. Maurice Dongier (1925-2015)
Dongier, Maurice, 1925 - 2015
Dr. Maurice Dongier died peacefully in Montreal on September 19, 2015. He is survived by his wife Suzanne, his four children, Pierre, François, Isabelle, Philippe and their families, his brother Michel, his sister-in-law Geneviève and their families. He will also be missed by many colleagues and friends.
In the News: Douglas Institute's Brain Bank Shows off New Facilities
To learn about the new and improved facilities of the Douglas Institute's brain bank, please visit the following link:
In the News: Dr. Rob Whitley on the Myth of Mental Illness and Violence
To read more about what Dr. Rob Whitley has to say about the misconception that people with mental illness are prone to violence, please visit the following link: