"It's as smooth as a baby's behind!" That's the ultimate compliment to the skin. Why is a baby's bottom so silky smooth anyway? Because it hasn't been exposed to the sun, that's why! As we age, our...
O sleep! O gentle sleep! / Nature’s soft nurse, how have I frightened thee, / That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down / And steep my senses in forgetfulness?
There is a lot of nonsense that goes around about microwaves. I’m sure you heard many of them. They destroy nutrients in food. They cause cancer if you stand next to a microwave oven. Microwaved...
Why do snakes make venom? Essentially to bring down prey for food, but snakes will also bite to defend themselves. Chemically, the poisons are very complex and are generally composed of numerous...
This post needs a bit of a background. A few weeks ago we noted that the Dean of Pharmacy at the University of Toronto was organizing a trial on using homeopathic preparations for the treatment of...
I often ask myself questions. “Is that a fact?” is perhaps the one that crops up most frequently. That’s because no day goes by without someone soliciting my opinion about an item they have come...
Gelotophobia can best be defined as the “potentially debilitating fear of being laughed at.” A person suffering from gelotophobia may hear a stranger’s laugh and believe it is aimed at him or her....
The Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors has produced several television ads featuring Naturopathic doctors sporting white lab coats and stethoscopes highlighting their apparent medical...
I’m not a huge fan of automobile racing, but I do admit to catching a bit of the fever when the Formula One cars roll into town. There is something captivating about these machines, capable of...