IDP requirements for graduate students
The myPath programming and tools developed by Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies provides students with the resources they need to develop their own Individual Development Plan (IDP). The purpose of an IDP is to enable students to establish meaningful goals and create a strategy for how they will accomplish these goals. IDPs have been implemented at many graduate institutions in North America, the majority of which have made it mandatory to submit an annual IDP.
As part of the progressive introduction of IDP at McGill, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has updated the IDP requirements for graduate students in degree programs. These new requirements will take effect as of fall 2024 and apply to the following students:
- All PhD students admitted from Fall 2019
- Master’s non-thesis students admitted from Fall 2022, except those in self-funded programs
- All master’s thesis students admitted from Fall 2024
IDP Requirements
- Attend an approved IDP workshop offered at McGill or other bodies
- Create an Individual Development Plan
- Complete the online IDP Census
IDP milestone and tracking