On September 28th almost 300 McGill professionals and managers gathered for a stimulating day-long leadership conference, entitled ‘Our Conscious Community @ Work: Leading, Learning & Growing...
On September 28th, staff, faculty, and community members came together for the inaugural McGill Outreach Symposium. Initiated by Branches - McGill's Community Outreach Program in Enrolment Services...
Effective communication, actions, and interactions by supervisors play a pivotal role in shaping workplace culture, enhancing employee engagement, and improving overall organizational performance....
According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada, “Workplaces can play an essential part in maintaining positive mental health.” In addition, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and...
The LinkedIn Learning pilot for all regular Administrative and Support staff at McGill has been extended! LinkedIn Learning will now be available until at least November 2021, at which time the...
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