Below is the widespread international media coverage, in a variety of languages, that the MILAMOS Project and McGill Manual has received to date.
"Volume I of McGill Manual on military outer space law gets published", Space Policy Online (July 2022)
The Final Front: Outer Space Security & Governance, Foreign Policy (19 May 2022).
"Is current space law equipped to handle a new era of shifting power structures in space? The Conversation Weekly podcast transcript", The Conversation (April 2022)
LTWRC Space Law Webinar, Military Space Law Conversation w/ TJAG Lt Gen Rockwell (10 March 2022)
"Militarization beyond the Sky", Legion (February 2022)
- The Threat from Outer Space: Russia Tests Kinetic DA-ASAT Weapon, Just Security (23 November 2021)
- New laws to prevent space wars? Cosmos (19 November 2021)
“You might be conducting an operation in a conflict – let’s say you wish to target a certain facility. Your missile system or your drone-launching missiles rely on GPS to guide them,” Doucet says. “So if you’re on the other end of it wanting to protect yourself, then you’ll send out jamming signals.”
Com bilionários, corrida espacial inaugura nova era (e novos desafios), Galileu (19 Sep 2021)
Air Force Headquarters Legal Office, 'Space Law Expert' Invited Lecture, The Law Times (in Korean) (25 May 2021)
Britain's new space force 'could deploy RAF Typhoon fighter jets to the "edge of space" to destroy Russian and Chinese military satellites', The Daily Mail (21 February 2021)
- War in Space would be catastrophic, The Conversation (30 November 2020)
"To ensure the fragile and shared domain of outer space does not become an arena for conflict, the rules that apply to any military uses of space need to be understood, respected and further developed".
"‘War in space’ would be a catastrophe. A return to rules-based cooperation is the only way to keep space peaceful", The Conversation (November 2020)
Head of RAF Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston says future wars will be 'won or lost' in space and warns disruption to UK satellites would be 'disastrous' for our everyday lives, The Daily Mail (17 November 2020)
Could outer space be the world’s next battleground?, Broadview (October 2020)
Проєкт «Артеміда»: як формується новий космічний правопорядок, Mind (in Ukranian) (21 October 2020)
המעצמות מתקוטטות בחלל, ועורכי הדין נדרשים לעשות סדר, Hareetz (in Hebrew) (26 August 2020)
An arms race is brewing in orbit, The Economist (15 August 2020)
"How likely is war in space and what will it look like?", ABC News
"We've had humans utilising space for military purposes and for a whole range of other amazing things for 60 years — and we haven't had warfare in space.
Professor Steven Freeland
Spy games in the grey zone of outer space, The Strategist, ASPI (12 February 2020)
Canada seeks peace in space as U.S. prepares to weaponize it, CTV News (November 2019)
- "The US plan for a Space Force risks escalating a 'space arms race'", The Conversation
- Attacking satellites is increasingly attractive—and dangerous, The Economist (20 July 2019)
- "Is the Space War Threat being hyped?", Politico
"There’s been increasing rhetoric...about the militarization of space and the potential for conflicts on Earth to extend into space.
Brian Weeden, Secure World Foundation
- "Space is important strategically and militarily and some believe a space conflict is inevitable", Radio Sputnik
[At the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space] every country there reiterated the need to protect the peaceful uses of space. So the legal framework is there. Obviously because space is so important strategically and militarily, there are some who believe that it’s inevitable that at some point there will be war in outer space. I don’t believe in that inevitability, and I think that talk of inevitability unfortunately may itself become a self-fulfilling prophecy. We really need to sit back and understand that we don’t need to think of space in terms of being an inevitable war-fighting domain. It has not been, and let’s hope it will not be.
Professor Steven Freeland
"How Air Force Space Aggressors Protect Our Satellites—And Way Of Life", 5280 (May 2018)
" Military experts warn the US is not prepared for space-based attacks as the world nears 'a point where Star Wars is not just a movie'", Daily Mail (6 April 2018)
MILAMOS Project is to ensure space activities are conducted in accordance with the rule of law. This will involve a consideration of the existing international rules on outer space. It will also involve integration with international humanitarian law and the rules prohibiting the use of force. The drafting of the rules will involve many meetings, heated discussions and compromises. It is envisaged that at the end of the project the applicable rules will be agreed on the basis of consensus. The MILAMOS Project is not an effort to condone warfare in outer space. On the contrary, it seeks to prevent armed conflict and minimise the devastating impact that space technology and military operations may have on the long-term and peaceful use of outer space.
"Star Wars: The Battle for Laws Against War in Outer Space", Australian Institute of International Affairs (4 April 2018)
Even more worrying, recent technological trends have underlined that serious threats to global security exist even in this final frontier itself. This is due to the strategic value of outer space, the dependence of militaries and thus their vulnerability to an attack on their space assets and the belief by some (military) observers that a war in space is now ‘inevitable’.
We need to work very hard to dispel this notion of inevitability, which does risk becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy if care and restraint is not exercised.
"Cybersecurity and the New Era of Space Activities", Council on Foreign Relations (2 April 2018)
The militarization of space potentially threatens the requirement in the Outer Space Treaty (OST) that space activities comply with international law to maintain international peace and security and promote international cooperation. The United States has declared that space is now a “war-fighting domain,” and China’s and Russia’s military ambitions in space are growing. The UN Committee on Disarmament’s work on a treaty to prevent an arms race in space failed. As happened with cyberspace, these difficulties in space diplomacy have increased nongovernmental interest in clarifying how international law applies to military operations in space.
- "The First Space Ace", Air & Space/Smithsonian Magazine (April 2018)
"Trump's 'space force' isn't a new idea. We've been doing that for decades, say experts", CBC (The Current) 19 March 2018
"Russia has developed powerful LASERS to shoot down enemy satellites as experts warn a space war could break out 'within years'", Daily Mail (28 February 2018)
"Gastarán USD$ 44.000 MILLONES para la guerra en el espacio", El Sol (27 February 2018)
"Da li se najjače vojske pripremaju za RAT MEĐU ZVEZDAMA?", Blic (16 December 2017)
"The Real-Life 'Star Wars'? The World Is Already Planning for Cosmic Combat", Newsweek (14 December 2017)
"Razboiul spatial, cum procedam?", National (5 December 2017)
- "Le guide de régulation de la « guerre spatiale », un outil indispensable pour la sécurité mondiale", The Conversation (3 December 2017)
C’est pourquoi, avec nos collègues du monde entier – des experts australiens, canadiens, américains, russes et chinois – nous menons un programme de recherche sur plusieurs années, afin de rédiger un guide sur l’application de la loi en cas d’intervention militaire dans l’espace.
Ce guide de droit international, applicable à l’usage militaire de l’espace extra-atmosphérique en cas de tensions ou d’hostilités (MILAMOS), est un manuel qui aidera à renforcer la transparence et la confiance entre les puissances spatiales.
- 将来起こり得る「宇宙戦争」に備えて国際的な法整備が進む", Gigazine (27 November 2017)
このプロジェクトは数年の時間を要するもので、その目的は宇宙での緊張状態および明確な戦争行為が生じた際に適用されるマニュアル「MILAMOS」(Manual on International Law Applicable to Military Uses of Outer Space)を作り上げることにあります。さらに、最終的に目指す究極の目標は、宇宙戦争行為を防止して、今後発達するであろう宇宙旅行分野に関わる当事者間で、高い透明性のある信頼関係を構築する手助けになることとしています。
"‘우주 전쟁’ 대비 국제법 정비 시작됐다", ZDNet Korea (27 November 2017)
"Why do we need a space war policy?", Geospatial World (23 November 2017)
The main purpose of MILAMOS is to provide guidelines in times of tension and outright hostility. Such a manual will clarify the limitations international law places on the threat or use of force in outer space. According to McGrill University in Canada, the MILAMOS aims to look at how, against the backdrop of rapidly developing technologies and applications, what uses and objects are considered lawful or outrightly prohibited in the event of an outbreak of conflict in outer space.
With continuous technological advancements, the space technology has spread its wings in diverse fields. From navigation, banking, weather forecasting, disaster monitoring, agriculture to the provision of cellular phone signals, the technology has entered into our day-to-day lives. Disruption of of space infrastructure will have a devastating effect on all. MILAMOS will not only help to maintain peace but will also give a proper framework for future endeavours.
"We’re drafting a legal guide to war in space. Hopefully we’ll never need to use it", The Conversation (21 November 2017)
"The future challenges related to space activities: towards a new legal framework?", The Space Review (20 November 2017)
Indeed, with the pace of development of space-related projects, we currently face a legal vacuum in various fields, in particular regarding the military use of outer space. To deal with that, the MILAMOS project by McGill University aims to develop a widely-accepted manual clarifying the fundamental rules applicable to the military use of outer space, in times of peace as well as in periods of tension and in outright armed conflict. This innovative project will have a positive impact and influence on the future and sustainability of humankind’s venture in outer space
"Global experts working on rules of engagement for war in outer space", ABC News (1 November 2017)
"Conference could have 'huge ramifications' for space, experts say", United States Air Force Academy (13 October 2017)
" Welcome address by Jayant Prasad, DG IDSA at the Workshop of the McGill Manual on International Law Applicable to Military Uses of Outer Space (MILAMOS)", Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (21 June 2017)
Against this sobering background, a renewed multilateral push in the Conference of Disarmament for a legally-binding instrument on outer space is very much required. While working towards that objective, the MILAMOS project should prove to be a useful exercise. Such an effort will help in strengthening the space rules and laws, and make outer space more securely accessible to mankind.
"《外太空公约》签署50年:将针对太空战争提出新公约", Sina (7 June 2017)
"Ya no es una película de ciencia ficción: elaboran un código para la 'Guerra de las Galaxias'", Sputnik Mundo (28 May 2017)
El proyecto que prevé resolver los problemas existentes [en relación al uso militar del espacio] fue presentado por científicos ... de la Universidad McGill (Montreal, Canadá) y se conoce como ley Milamos, siglas en inglés para designar a la 'Guía sobre las normas del derecho internacional aplicable a la utilización del espacio ultraterrestre con fines militares'.
(...) Milamos se puede considerar 'como un intento de clarificar la aplicación del derecho internacional a la naturaleza cambiante de los conflictos armados'.
"Ao que isto levará? Já se elabora 'código de conduta' para guerras no espaço", Sputnik Mundo (28 May 2017)
"The U.S. Military Has Space Aggressor Units Training for Alien Encounters", Futurism (29 May 2017)
The threat of warfare and aggression in space — and the need to prepare for it — has been broadly recognized all over the world. An international group of lawyers is now drawing up the first body of law to be applied in space. Based largely on existing principles of international law, the work that results from the coalition’s efforts will be called Manual on International Law Applicable to Military Uses of Outer Space (MILAMOS).
"Experts draw up rules for real-life star wars", The World (25 May 2017)
[MILAMOS] is the latest in a series of legal efforts to come to grips with the evolving nature of modern warfare.
"What is MILAMOS? Work begins on international rule book for future space warfare", International Business Times (22 May 2017)
"The new rulebook for real-life star wars", The Guardian (UK) (20 May 2017)
"Montréal rayonne-t-elle à l’international?", Le Devoir (20 May 2017)
"Earth is headed for orbital WAR unless a new 'constitution' for space is created, experts warn", Daily Mail (30 January 2017)
"What are the rules in Star Wars? MILAMOS aims to clarify military law in space", McGill Tribune (12 October 2016)
"New Intercross Series: Why Outer Space Matters", ICRC Blog (11 October 2016)
For its part, the ICRC cares about outer space for at least two reasons. First, our field and HQ personnel depend on space systems to conduct day-to-day humanitarian work. For just three examples, consider (a) communications, (b) navigation, and (c) imaging. ...
The need to communicate extends not only to our individual delegates and hundreds of delegation, mission, and office locations globally, but also to our larger-scale fleet operations involving cars, trucks, ships, and airplanes. In many cases, our communications rely on space systems where a domestic backbone is either non-existent or less reliable. Degradation of any of these systems, intentional or not, could undermine our ability to communicate. In such cases, we would activate redundant systems and would continue to operate; but not without some impacts.
"Proponen leyes para evitar una 'Guerra de las Galaxias'", Récord (23 September 2016)
"We need clear rules to avoid a real Star Wars in outer space", The Conversation 20 September 2016)