PEP Professional Exchange Program, An initiative of McGill's HR Anti-Black Racism Working Group

What is the PEP?

The Professional Exchange Program (PEP) was designed in response to the  Action Plan to Address Anti-Black Racism  (ABR) Workforce Action Item #3: “Work to increase the representation of, and career opportunities for, Black administrative and support staff.”

The PEP seeks to:

  • address the inequities and employment barriers that Black-identifying employees at McGill may experience,
  • give them greater exposure to areas of professional interest and guide them in their future career development at the University, 

Notably by:

  • fostering better and stronger connections and
  • providing access to coaching and experiential learning opportunities from McGill professionals. 

This program is neither a developmental assignment nor a term appointment. It is a learning opportunity that provides exposure to a new work environment at the university. It does not impact salary nor any other employment conditions. 

Participants will perform a weekly average of 2–3 hours of work for their Host unit, for a minimum total of 30 hours and not extending beyond 60 hours over a period of 3-6 months.

Participation & Eligibility


Host: The Host is the person/unit that accepts to host an employee normally employed in another unit at McGill (i.e., the Participant). The Host person or unit will prepare for the internship so that the experience is rewarding and useful for both the Host and the Participant. To ensure that they can be sufficiently involved, Hosts must consider their current work obligations and timing, and ensure that their supervisor accepts this arrangement. 

Participant: The Participant is a McGill employee who spends time working at another unit. Participants must consider their current work obligations and have their possible participation in the program approved by their supervisor. 

Home Supervisor: The Home Supervisor is the Participant’s usual supervisor. If they agree to the arrangement, they will support the prospective Participant’s request and thus will allow them to spend time with the Host on designated days and for specified times.  The Home Supervisor will explore the following questions with the prospective Participant:  

  • How is the arrangement aligned with the Participant’s current development plan as outlined in their performance dialogue?  

  • How could the Participant’s home unit benefit from the learning that the Participant will acquire through their experience with the Host?  

  • In alignment with the Home unit objectives, what development opportunities could be extended to the prospective Participant at the end of their placement? 


The Program is open to MPEX Black-identifying employees. 

Expectations & Timing


The Host must be able to welcome, onboard, train and integrate the Participant into the Host unit’s activities. 

The Participant must be able to maintain their duties in their home units. 

The Home Supervisor should allow the Participant to perform a weekly average of 2–3 hours of work for their Host unit, unless an alternative schedule has been agreed upon between the Host, Participant and themselves.  


The timing of the exchange depends on the availability of the Host, the Participant, and the Home Supervisor. 

In order to be meaningful, the minimum duration should be at least 30 hours over a period of several months, but not more than 60 hours over a period of six months starting from September 2024 at the earliest.  

By the end of the exchange period, the Participant should have engaged in both shadowing and leading a supervised project. 

The work assigned can be either a typical representation of the Host’s usual activities, and/or can be based on specific activities assigned by the Host. 

Benefits of Participation

The Professional Exchange Program has the following potential benefits: 

  • Networking opportunities that can help to break down employment barriers and provide equal opportunities for all employees. 

  • Providing staff with insight into the roles and responsibilities of their colleagues and other units. 

  • Development of an opportunity for employees to gain experience and to learn from colleagues within McGill. 

  • Allowing staff to widen their lens and understand more about how the University as a whole, functions. 

  • Providing opportunities for McGill to remain an employer of choice for our staff, notably staff from very underrepresented groups. 

  • Providing opportunities for leadership and mentorship in the Host unit. 

  • Providing skill development and capacity-building for staff that will benefit them during and following their exchange experiences, fostering growth and knowledge at a collective level. 

  • Provides potential points of collaboration between the home and host units. 

At the end of the exchange, both the Home Supervisor and the Host, will gain recognition from the Associate Vice-President (Human Resources) and the Associate Provost (Equity and Academic Policies), for their efforts in supporting the Action Plan to Address Anti-Black Racism, namely, the career development, retention and promotion of Black-identifying employees. All Participants, Hosts and Home Supervisors will be invited to a celebratory event.

Process & Contact

Process of the Professional Exchange Program  

Coordination of the program: 

The program is coordinated by the HR Anti-Black Racism Working Group, as well as Host Units. 

Important Dates / How to participate: 

  • In June, prospective Hosts will be invited to complete a  Host Application Form, with approval from their immediate supervisor. Current Submission Date: June 28, 2024.

  • In July, prospective Participants will be invited to complete the Participant Application Form, have it approved by their immediate supervisor. (2024 Submission Date TBC) 

  • A prospective Participant may also include a special request to be matched with a specific unit that is not already listed on the website.  

  • Hosts will decide who and how many Participants they can welcome. 

  • Training for Hosts on anti-Black racism and hosting will take place in September 2024.
  • In September 2024, we will hold our program Launch event! This is the earliest start date of the exchange.

  • During the midway point of the exchange, both the Host and the Participant are asked to complete an Evaluation Form 

Mid-Point Evaluation Form by Host 

Mid-Point Evaluation Form by Participant

  • In March 2025, we will hold our Program Closing Celebration! This is the latest end date of the exchange.

  • After the exchange, both the Host and the Participant will be asked to complete a second, final Evaluation.  

Final Evaluation Form by Host 

Final Evaluation Form by Participant

If you have questions or would like to speak with someone about the program, please feel free to contact the coordination team. We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact: [at]

Professional Exchange Opportunities from Last Year (2023)

1. Dean’s Office, Faculty of Engineering

Host: Kaila Folinsbee, Director of Administration

Opportunity: Faculty Administration - support to key operations (specific project)

Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week for a total of 45 hours

Dates: September 21, 2023 to March 21, 2024

Exchange Objectives:

  • Shadow the Director of Administration (DoA) to get a bird's eye view of administration in a Faculty
  • work with one or more teams under DoA to understand challenges facing the Faculty
  • meet colleagues from different units, grow network
  • participate in projects that aim to improve one or more aspects of faculty administration

Tasks involved:

  • There are a few projects the participant could take on, depending on their interest and experience.
  • Buildings and space audit: work with the Buildings team to audit use of spaces across the faculty, document space usage, analyze data and prepare presentations for Chairs & Directors. Review graduate student space usage, organize focus groups with grad students to understand space needs, make recommendations to faculty on optimizing grad student offices (e.g. hoteling option).
  • Communications - work with Comms team on revising student website (organization, understanding needs, updating info)
  • Engineering Inclusivity, Diversity & Equity Advancement (EIDEA) working group on diversifying admissions criteria - consult with Enrolment Services to explore alternative approaches to undergraduate admissions; review tools that could be used to assess applicants; consult with department GPDs and GPS to identify ways of reducing bias in grad admissions

Targeted skills and experience:

  • Administrative Tasks
  • Project Development



2. Administration and Governance, School of Continuing Studies

Host: Avery Bonair-Cyrus, Program Manager

Opportunity: Administrative tasks related to work, and or projects for non-credit courses (job shadowing & specific projects)

Time Commitment: 3 hours/week for a total of 60 hours

Dates: October 2, 2023 to March 21, 2024

Exchange Objectives:

  • Understand the general work cycle of our non-credit portfolio
  • Learn of the non-credit portfolio of Administration and Governance domain and have a basic understanding of current projects/ initiatives
  • Have an understanding of SCS's mission of providing life-long learning to learners, partners, and corporate clients

Tasks involved:

  • Participate in course scheduling, or development of production schedule for partnership courses
  • Providing support in management of LMS, and or course materials
  • Working with team in communications with stakeholders

Targeted skills and experience:

  • Administrative Tasks
  • Project Development



3. The McGill Institute for Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Host: Chloe Hedley, Digital Communication and Outreach Associate

Opportunity: Communications and marketing projects. Preparing posters and communications for events, writing for social media channels, helping with event logistics etc. (job shadowing & specific projects)

Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week (flexible) for a total of 60 hours over 6 months

Dates: September 21, 2023 to March 21, 2024 (pending availability of suitable candidate)

Exchange Objectives:

  • Contribute to attendance numbers for events by preparing strong communications materials
  • Contribute meaningfully to the MIAE/MIAM office and team by being engaged, present and willing to roll your sleeves up
  • Contribute to the strategic direction of the communications for MIAE and MIAM

Tasks involved:

  • Work in Canva to prepare design collateral
  • Copy-writing for social media channels
  • Prepare long-form content to promote the institutes

Targeted skills and experience:

  • Administrative Tasks
  • Public Relations/Marketing
  • Writing
  • Web Content Development
  • Social Media
  • Graphic Design
  • Event Planning



4. Academic Programs & Government Reporting, Enrolment Services

Host: Andrea Di Stefano, Manager Registration, Programs & Degree Evaluation

Opportunity: Supporting the myProgress and eCalendar implementations (job shadowing & specific projects)

Time Commitment: 3 hours/week for a total of 60 hours

Dates: September 21, 2023 to March 21, 2024

Exchange Objectives:

  • Gaining perspective into ES' academic programs and government reporting unit's activities
  • Sharing your perspective and knowledge with the team and contributing your unique skills to the success of important University-wide project implementations
  • Expanding our respective networks and building lasting professional relationships

Tasks involved:

  • Helping to test and provide feedback on the new eCalendar solution, scheduled for implementation in April 2024
  • Supporting the development and adoption of the myProgres degree audit tool for Faculties' undergraduate programs
  • Validating program accuracy in various McGill publications (eCalendar, myProgress, Academic unit websites) and giving recommendations for communicating program requirements

Targeted skills and experience:

  • Administrative Tasks
  • Project Development
  • Web Content Development
  • Research
  • The team includes members from a variety of backgrounds and diverse pool of skills that can be shared to varying degrees, depending on the interests of the participant. These include: text editing, web publications, proofreading, UAT, markup languages, SQL, translation, systems support, student affairs, government relations, etc.



5. School of Biomedical Sciences at the FMHS

Host: Mona Sabouri, HR & Administrative Officer

Opportunity: KPI initiative (specific project)

Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week (flexible) for a total of 60 hours (flexible)

Dates: September 21, 2023 to March 21, 2024

Exchange Objectives:

  • The School of Biomedical Sciences’ HR and Administrative Officer as well as the Academic Affairs Officer are interested in leading a project to develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Given the large scope of this project, any efforts towards initiating this project would be greatly appreciated. This is an opportunity to learn new skills relevant to all areas.
  • With the guidance, support and collaboration of HR and AA managers, the incumbent would conduct market research to determine possible KPIs of interest, select performance measures, and if possible, begin developing a blueprint of a dashboard that captures relevant data that guides discussion on improvements. The incumbent is expected to lead autonomous research, be passionate about the project and put forward a concrete action plan which can help build a starting point for SBMS to develop a proper dashboard.

Tasks involved:

  1. Identify key performance indicators: Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) based on desired business outcomes (for example, employee satisfaction rate, number of hires, Workday BP turnaround time, etc. ) and customer outcomes (for example, customer satisfaction). Evaluate KPIs to determine workload success.
    1. Determine which Workday reports are accessible to managers and of relevance to building a dashboard.
  2. Identify potential workload metrics baselines: Establishing a baseline for workload metrics aids in understanding workload health and performance. Using baselines, SBMS could identify under- and over-performing applications and components.
  3. Look into Workload & Productivity :
    1. Analyze productivity and workload by departments (E.g. number of client e-mails, peak seasons)
    2. Task completion: Analyze the time needed to complete a task A-Z, identify lengthiest procedures)

Targeted skills and experience:

  • Writing
  • Administrative Tasks
  • Research
  • Advising
  • Project Development


6. IT Communications, IT Services

Host: Dan O'Connell, Manager, Training and Communications, IT Services

Opportunity: IT Trainer (job shadowing)

Time Commitment: 2.5-3 hours/week for a total of 60 hours

Dates: September 21, 2023 to March 21, 2024

Exchange Objectives:

  • This participant would shadow a trainer learning the delivery of a couple of basic courses offered through IT Communications and would be given opportunities to deliver this training to other McGill staff.
  • Courses could include, Teams Essentials; MS Bookings; MS Outlook: LimeSurvey/MS Forms or other courses related to commonly accessed McGill tools or systems (e.g. WMS, promoting IT Security Awareness).

Tasks involved:

  • See above.

Targeted skills and experience:

  • Presentations
  • Administrative Tasks
  • Public speaking
  • Technology skills
  • Promotion of IT Security Awareness.



7. Environmental Health & Safety, Campus Public Safety

Host: Joseph Vincelli, Associate Director

Opportunity: Partake in various tasks in the unit (job shadowing)

Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week for a total of 30-40 hours

Dates: September 21, 2023 to March 21, 2024

Exchange Objectives:

  • Working in a team environment, able to work alone and show leadership

Tasks involved:

  • Data entry
  • documentation
  • field work

Targeted skills and experience:

  • Administrative Tasks
  • Public Relations/Marketing
  • Writing
  • Advising
  • Social Media
  • Team Building



8. Equity Diversity & Inclusion (EDI), Desautels Faculty of Management

Host: Karrie-Noelle Plohman, Associate Director - EDI

Opportunity: Case Protagonist Evaluation for EDI (and other considerations TBD) (specific project)

Time Commitment: 3 hours/week for a total of 60 hours

Dates: September 21, 2023 to March 21, 2024

Exchange Objectives:

  1. Assess and evaluate protagonists in cases currently being used for teaching/learning purposes in the Faculty
  2. Collect and maintain relevant data for the purpose of writing a report
  3. Assess cases for other Faculty strategic priority considerations such as sustainability, social innovation and business ethics

Tasks involved:

  1. Gather cases from faculty members/course lecturers
  2. Review cases and collect data for interpretation and analysis
  3. Establish shared file online for team members to access 4 - Draft report which reflects data collection and analysis

Targeted skills and experience:

  • Administrative Tasks
  • Project Development
  • Writing
  • Research
  • Data analysis and collection and the ability to interpret information for EDI specific considerations



9. Human Genetics, McGill CERC in Genomic Medicine

Host: Claire Le Moigne, Project administrator

Opportunity: The Participant will help the CERC Project Administrator and the CERC team to implement the CERC EDI Strategy and Workplan designed by the CERC EDI-in-Action committee. (specific project)

Time Commitment: 2.5 hours/week for a total of 60 hours

Dates: September 21, 2023 to March 21, 2024

Exchange Objectives:

  1. get better knowledge on the University EDI policies and participate to EDI trainings provided by McGill + GBA+ training
  2. help the project administrator and the EDI-in-Action committee Chair to implement the EDI Workplan and fulfill some of the commitments taken by the CERC team in its EDI strategy document
  3. bring own experience on the table and possibly new ideas on additionnal improvements
  4. help improving the student recruitment system of the team to ensure fairness and EDI standards

Tasks involved:

  1. participate to EDI-in-Action Committee meetings (maybe taking minutes)
  2. brainstorm with CERC project administrator and
  3. set-up EDI metrics to show improvement over the duration of the program. These will be communicated on the CERC website.
  4. participate to the initial meetings for a future AEG2C symposium and/or help organizing some talks with experts in EDI in genetics
  5. helping organize some events such as workshops, trainings, etc.

Targeted skills and experience:

  • Administrative Tasks
  • Project Development
  • Writing
  • Knowledge on EDI policies at McGill



10. New Vic Project, Finance and Administration

Host: Sarah Heiberg, Associate Director of Change Management

Opportunity: New Vic Project Community of Practice Pilot Project Coordination Support (specific project)

Time Commitment: 3 hours/week for a total of 54 hours

Dates: September 21, 2023 to February 2, 2024

Exchange Objectives:

  1. Acquire/increase stakeholder engagement and coordination skills
  2. Acquire/increase capacity to conduct and communicate decision-support research and tools
  3. Acquire/increase ability to select, measure and report on KPIs

Tasks involved:

  1. Meeting coordination (e.g., scheduling, preparing advance material, note taking and disseminating meeting summaries, etc.)
  2. Support analyzing and documenting pilot phase activities and outcomes (e.g., periodic surveys and survey; prepare and participate in interviews with participants; compile, analyze and report on results)
  3. Support Community of Practice activities (e.g., conduct research on topics of interest, synthesize best practices, identify and share relevant resources, etc.)

Targeted skills and experience:

  • Administrative Tasks
  • Project Development
  • Writing
  • Event Planning
  • Research
  • Select, measure and report on KPIs



11. Graduate Studies, Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences

Host: Crystal Noronha, Manager Student Affairs

Opportunity: Non-thesis practicum development (specific project)

Time Commitment: 2 hours/week for a total of 34 hours

Dates: September 21, 2023 to February 1, 2024

Exchange Objectives:

  • Provide an experience and exposure to non-academic graduate health professions.
  • Provide insight into the functioning of another unit
  • Provide skill development in project planning

Tasks involved:

  • Planning the project with other team members
  • Contacting eligible host organizations
  • Assist in preparing website material

Targeted skills and experience:

  • Administrative Tasks
  • Project Development
  • Writing
  • Web Content Development
  • Organizational skills
  • Team work


12. Human Resources, Faculty of Science

Host: Tina Kafantaris, Associate Director - HR

Opportunity: Support the AD (Associate Director) & HR team with HR related activities and initiatives (Jobshadowing Host)

Time Commitment: 2 hours/week for a total of 30 hours

Dates: October 1, 2023 to January 31, 2024

Exchange Objectives:

  • working closely with the Associate Director (AD) to support and deliver on several initiatives relating to recruitment, staffing, etc.
  • assist with the development of workshops and training sessions
  • develop and enhance current tools and resources to improve efficiency, streamline processes and build a better employee experience, etc.

Tasks involved:

  • provide support, advice and feedback on short term projects
  • analyze protocols and review current tools and processes to optimize efficiency
  • work with HR team to keep up with current trends in the areas of recruitment, onboarding, staffing, etc

Targeted skills and experience:

  • Writing
  • Presentations
  • Administrative Tasks
  • Policy Development
  • Policy Implementation


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