John Thomas, PhD

John Thomas is a postdoctoral fellow at MNI, co-supervised by Dr. Birgit Frauscher and Dr. Jean Gotman. His work focusses on identifying biomarkers in the intracranial EEG that will improve the management and treatment of epilepsy. His research expertise and interests include epilepsy, neuroscience, neural engineering, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, and biomedical signal processing.

He earned his PhD from the school of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, NTU Singapore in 2019. During this time, he developed a deep learning-based system to diagnose epilepsy without human intervention from a scalp electroencephalogram. His thesis resulted in two technology disclosures and is currently being developed into a commercial product. He has been a recipient of the NTU Research Scholarship (2015-2019) that is awarded to outstanding graduate students for research leading to a graduate degree at NTU. He was also the winner of the People’s choice award at the NTU 3-Minute thesis competition in 2016. He had achieved his undergraduate degree from the National Institute of Technology Calicut in 2014.


Contact: john.thomas3 [at] / john007 [at]

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