Lab News
| 11 Mar 2021
A warm welcome to Erica who will work with us as research technician in EEG/MEG in the lab.
March 11, 2021 Great news for the lab: CIHR will support our research in biomarker development in epilepsy for the next 5 years. It is now time to recruit more postdocs and students.
Great news for Sana. Sana is the recipient of a Jeanne Timmins Costello Fellowship of the Montreal Neurological Institute 2021-2022.
Happy to welcome two more postdocs to the team: Sana from UCL and John from Singapore University will join our team for the next two years.
Congratulation Tamir! Tamir published his first authorship paper in Clinical Neurophysiology on December 2, 2020. It is time to celebrate.
We would like to congratulate Jessica for being awarded with a CIHR graduate studentship. Well deserved, Jessica.
Funding for the NEURO Sleep Lab (NESL): with CFI - JELF support we will soon establish together with the Doyen lab a brand multidisciplinary new sleep research facility at the NEURO.
We would like to congratulate Laure and Petr for acceptance of their work "Sleep disruption in epilepsy: Ictal and interictal epileptic activity matter" in Annals of Neurology on August 16, 2020. A great journal for a great work. It is time to celebrate.
Great news for the lab: The ANPHY lab will be supported for its research in human sleep physiology by NSERC for the next 5 years. It is now time to recruit more postdocs and students.
Our postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Véronique Latreille is a recipient of one of Canada’s most prestigious postdoctoral awards, the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship which will allow her to continue her research on memory, sleep, epilepsy in our lab. Bravo, Véronique.
Véronique has been selected to receive the 2019 Young Investigator Award from the World Sleep Society for her abstract
"The human K-complex: Insights from combined scalp-intracranial EEG recordings".
Inducing seizures to stop seizures
Carolina and Birgit's paper was published in Jama Neurology and reported in the press
See story here
Birgit is the recipient of the Michael Prize 2019 of the International League against Epilepsy. The Michael Prize is one of the highest regarded international awards for the contributions to clinical and experimental research in epileptology to investigator <45 years.
See story here
Great news for the lab: Véronique, Petr, and Laure, who will join our lab in July 2019, are recipients of the prestigious MNI fellowship awards 2019. Véronique received the Jeanne Timmins Costello fellowship for her project on improvement of memory in epilepsy by intracranial stimulation. Petr received the Molson Neuroengineering award for his project focusing on developing a multimarker interictal algorithm for a more accurate and time-saving identification of the epileptic focus. Laure received the Preston Robb award for her project focusing on disentangling the reciprocal relationships between epilepsy and sleep using SEEG.
Tamir received an IPN entrance award for his project "Developing and validating novel non-invasive neuroimaging markers based on high-density EEG (HD-EEG) for prediction of the epileptogenic zone".
Jessica is the recipient of a CONP scholar award. Her awarded project focuses on socio-affective networks in healthy and epileptic brains using multimodal RI and HD-EEG.
Véronique has been accepted to participate in the Fellows Program at the 2018 AES Annual Meeting in Houston.
Birgit received the Young Investigator Award of the International League against Epilepsy – Commission of European Affairs. 2018.
Alex received a research fellowship for her project “When should we better not implant: predictors of focality of the epileptogenic zone as assessed with SEEG” from the Austrian League against Epilepsy.- Birgit received a Salary Award “Chercheur‐boursier clinicien Junior 2” of the FRSQ for her research program “Dépasser l’enregistrement des crises dans l’unité de surveillance: vers un diagnostic de l’épilepsie meilleur et plus rapide“. 2018-2021.
Birgit received the project grant “Development of novel EEG markers to separate sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy from NREM parasomnias” of the Savoy Epilepsy Foundation. Effective 2018-2019.
Birgit is a co-applicant on Christophe Grova's CIHR grant “The importance of connector hubs in focal epilepsy: a multimodal investigation“, 2018-2023. Congratulations Christophe for this big success.
Birgit received start-up funding of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital to build her research program in clinical neurophysiology and epilepsy. Effective 2017-2021.
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