We are currently looking for excellent M.sc, Ph.D. students and Post-Docs.
Please send an email to frauscher.lab [at] gmail.com with a subject title that includes the word M.sc, Ph.D. or Post
For M.sc -
Applicants should have a Bachelor's degree in Neuroscience, Engineering or a related field.
Required skills:
- Experience with Programming abilities (Python/Matlab)
- Knowledge of statistics
For Ph.D. -
Applicants should have a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Neuroscience, Engineering or a related field.
Required skills:
- Strong programming abilities (Python/Matlab)
- Experience with signal processing
- Strong knowledge of statistics
Experience with EEG/MEG data
Machine learning
For Post-Doc - Post-Doc
Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in Neuroscience, Engineering or a related field.
Required skills:
- Strong programming abilities (Python/Matlab)
- Strong signal processing skills
- Experience with EEG/MEG data
- Strong knowledge of statistics
Machine learning