Campus/building access, classes and work will return to usual conditions, as of Saturday, Oct. 12. See Campus Public Safety website for details.
Accès au campus et aux immeubles, cours et modalités de travail : retour à la normale à compter du samedi 12 octobre. Complément d’information : Direction de la protection et de la prévention.
Please be advised that McGill University has mandated MécanicAction to carry out the following project: 21-050 Replacement of steam and condensate pipes between Raymond and CINE, Macdonald Campus...
Please be advised that McGill University has mandated Ceveco Inc. to carry out the following project: 19-016 Reconstruction of Upper Main Road, Downtown Campus...
Please be advised that McGill University has mandated Constructions Seni Inc. to carry out the following project: 19-078 Otto Maass Chemistry – CFI IF 2020, Cooke....
Please be advised that McGill University has mandated Adams Elevators Inc. to carry out the following project: 17-004 Burnside - Modernization of the elevators....
Please be advised that McGill University has mandated Céleb Construction ltée. to carry out the following project: 17-004 Burnside – Electrical distribution and infrastructure upgrade....
Please be advised that McGill University has mandated Corenov Constructeurs Inc. to carry out the following project: 22-014 Lyman Duff (B169D) – Gatehouse interior renovation....
Please be advised that McGill University has mandated St‐Denis Thompson Inc. to carry out the following project: 22-035 MNI (B159) & Duff (B169) – Envelope repairs...
Please be advised there will be a major electrical shutdown the weekend of May 3-4-5, 2024, at the below list of Macdonald Campus buildings. To facilitate this shutdown, all the buildings listed...
Please be advised that McGill University has mandated Les Entreprises NR Brosseau to carry out the following project: 18-010 Downtown Campus – Modification of classroom locks in McConnell...