This program is open only to students in the BSc Major in Environment, BSc(AgEnvSc) Major in Environment, BA Faculty Program in Environment, BA Joint Honours Component Environment, the BA&Sc Interfaculty Program in Environment, and the BA&Sc Interfaculty Program in Sustainability, Science & Society.
An Honours program gives students the opportunity to pursue a directed, focused and individual research project over the course of a full year under the supervision of a professor. While Honours is not necessarily required for graduate school, the Honours program will provide Bieler School of Environment students with additional preparation for graduate level research.
The Environment Honours program consists of an Honours Research project (6 cr) in addition to the requirements of the student's primary Environment (or Sustainability, Science and Society) program. Additional time is not required to complete the degree, as the 6 credits of research are taken in place of elective credits. The Honours Research course spans two terms within a 12 month period, and should reflect about 250 hours of work. Students should note that the Senior Research Project (ENVR 401 or equivalent) is still required for Honours students.
Program Requirements
Eligible students must apply for the Honours program in March or April of their U2 year. This deadline is not firm, but professors and potential supervisors may be difficult to reach over the summer, therefore, it is best that all arrangements be finalized before the summer break. Applications are made to the Academic Adviser of the Bieler School of Environment. Students' eligibility and program requirements are set by their home Faculty / Degree Program (Science, Arts, B.A.&Sc. or Agricultural and Environmental Sciences). Details of each can be found in the e-Calendar:
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Hons. Environment (66-72 cr)
- Bachelor of Science (Agricultural & Environmental Sciences) (B.Sc.(Ag.Env.Sc.)) - Hons. Environment (66-69 cr)
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Hons. Environment (60 cr, plus a Minor (18-24 cr))
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Hons. Component Environment (36 cr, plus a 2nd Arts component (36 cr))
- Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A.&Sc.) - Hons. Environment (60 cr, plus a Minor (18-24 cr))
- Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A.&Sc.) - Hons. Sustainability, Science & Society (60 cr, plus a Minor (18-24 cr))
As an Honours student, you are responsible for:
- verifying your eligibility with the Bieler School's Academic Adviser.
- securing a thesis supervisor (see Academic Adviser for assistance). Thesis supervisors must be a McGill Faculty Member who conducts interdisciplinary research (examples: Bieler School Jointly-Appointed Faculty and Associate Members of the Bieler School of Environment).
- developing a project proposal with your supervisor that is relevant to your Concentration
- completing the Student-Supervisor Agreement Form (SSAF) -- the ENVR 495 SSAF or the ENVR 494 SSAF -- and submitting it at least one month before the first day of classes of the term in which you wish to begin your Honours. Note: ENVR 494 is used only for the B.Arts Joint Honours Program. If you are in the B.Arts Joint Honours program and are uncertain as to whether you should be completing the ENVR 494 SSAF or the ENVR 495 SSAF, please get in touch with the Program Adviser of the Bieler School of Environment.
- presenting your Honours research at the Fall symposium (if your Honours is completed in the summer or fall terms) or the Spring symposium (if your Honours is finished in the winter term)
- as an in-progress Honours student, attending the Symposiums that take place while you are registered in the Honours program
- submitting a final hard copy, and e-copy, of your thesis report to the Bieler School of Environment.
The thesis supervisor is responsible for:
- assisting the student with a project proposal
- providing research supervision and resources, including arranging for ethical reviews if needed
- providing, where appropriate, assistance with grant and award applications
- reviewing and grading the proposal and project, and assigning a final grade for ENVR 495 D1/D2 (or N1/N2)
- attending the student's research presentation at the Fall or Spring Symposium
- submitting the final grade over Minerva.
When your Honours research is complete:
If you would like your work to be available for the McGill community and members of the public to see over e-Scholarship**, there are three steps to complete --
- have your supervisor complete and sign the Supervisor Sponsor Form
- complete and sign the Non-Exclusive License form
- email your final Thesis Report (pdf) along with the two completed forms (the Supervisor Sponsor Form and the Non-Exclusive License form) to escholarship.library [at] (subject: eScholarship)
** eScholarship@McGill is an open access institutional digital repository, which collects, preserves, and showcases the publications, scholarly works, and theses of McGill University faculty members, researchers, and students.