Fondation Montréal Inc. (montré announced last Saturday at the close of an Entrepreneurial Boot Camp the Big Winners of the University Challenge Leverage Your Idea presented by the National Bank and organized in collaboration with Montréal universities.

Classified as: Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship, McGill Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship
Published on: 1 Dec 2016

 Jens Bischof has been appointed as managing director of SunExpress, a Deutsche Lufthansa/Turkish Airlines joint venture, with effect from January 1, 2017.

He holds a degree of business administration (Dipl. Betriebswirt) from the University of Applied Sciences (AKAD) in Rendsburg and a master’s degree in Management from McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

Read full article: Stat Times, November 26, 2016

Classified as: Master of Business Administration (MBA), MBA Alumni
Published on: 1 Dec 2016

A few years ago, Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney of the Southern District of New York, proclaimed that insider trading is “rampant” in U.S. securities markets, a quote well known to followers of financial markets and securities law. [1] Increased efforts by the U.S. department of Justice (DoJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have been met with both success and failure. The admission of guilt in the insider indictment of SAC Capital, the well-known hedge fund, can certainly be counted as a victory. In contrast, the case United States vs.

Classified as: Patrick Augustin
Published on: 1 Dec 2016

Professor Henry Mintzberg was conferred the honorary degree of "Doctor Oeconomiae Honoris Causa" from the University of Economics, Prague on November 11, 2016. The award recognizes Professor Mintzberg’s influence as a leading thinker in the field of Management, as well as the far-reaching impact of his work.

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Read full article: VŠE Bulletin

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, International Masters for Health Leadership (IMHL)
Published on: 29 Nov 2016

Philippe Rainville will become the new president and CEO of Aéroports de Montréal (ADM) on January 1, 2017, succeeding James Cherry, who retires at the end of the year.

Rainville holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from McGill University and is a chartered professional accountant (CPA). 

He started his career as an auditor and financial analyst with an accounting firm, going on to hold similar positions at Provigo (Delixo) and Pepsi-Cola. 

Classified as: Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 25 Nov 2016

Après 15 ans à la tête d’Aéroports de Montréal (ADM), James C. Cherry prendra sa retraite à la fin de l’année et il sera remplacé par Philippe Rainville, qui occupait les fonctions de vice-président, chargé de gestion et de la réalisation du programme d’immobilisations.

Avant d’intégrer ADM, Philippe Rainville a œuvré Molson Canada, Provigo (Delixo) et Pepsi-Cola. En plus d’être comptable professionnel agréé (CPA), il est détenteur d’un baccalauréat en commerce de l’Université McGill.

Classified as: Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 25 Nov 2016

Ecrit par Henry Mintzberg 

Nous, au Canada, aux côtés d'autres personnes du monde entier, n'avons pas pu voter aux dernières élections américaines. Toutefois, nous devrons vraisemblablement en souffrir les conséquences à l'échelle internationale. Devons-nous rester inactifs, comme à l'habitude, et assister au déroulement des choses, y compris des possibles effets catastrophiques des changements climatiques, si rien n'est fait?

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg
Published on: 25 Nov 2016

Written by Karl Moore 

Introverts would tend see networking as something they hate to do. But our research suggests that introverted networking can be powerful and an approach that an extrovert, like myself, should learn to emulate, at least part of the time. Rather than working a room the way an extrovert would, speaking to many people for a short time each, introverts often speak to fewer people but have longer, more detailed and richer conversations. 

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 25 Nov 2016

Pascal Lépine, fondateur d’Atypic (eMBA McGill-HEC Montréal 2012) : « Le programme m’a permis d’utiliser ma propre entreprise comme étude de cas »

Published on: 24 Nov 2016

On Saturday, Dec. 3, McGill will be hosting the Hult Prize @ McGill — the university-level competition for the prestigious Hult Prize. The Hult Prize is a social entrepreneurship challenge that invites student teams to solve some of the world’s toughest challenges, affording them a chance to win $1,000,000 in seed funding. Winners from the University will go on to represent McGill at the regional competitions in March 2017.

Classified as: aspire food group
Published on: 24 Nov 2016

We in Canada, along with many other people around the world, did not get to vote in the recent American election -- yet we are meant to suffer the international consequences of it. Shall we sit back, as usual, and watch events unfold, including the possibly catastrophic effects of climate change left unchecked?

Henry Mintzberg is Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies at McGill University in Montreal and the author of Rebalancing Society... radical renewal beyond left, right and centre.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg
Published on: 24 Nov 2016

Ellen Moore

President & CEO

Chubb Insurance Company of Canada

Published on: 24 Nov 2016

Jean-François Papillon: I have been a Wealth Advisor and Portfolio Manager with the Roux Papillon Blais team at BMO Nesbitt Burns for 15 years. I have a civil engineering background and hold an MBA from McGill University. I earned the CFA designation in 2005. I have used hedge funds for approximately eight years. The reason is simple: they represent a diversification tool with little correlation to the other investment categories in my portfolio. I was seeking to reduce the overall volatility of my portfolio without compromising its performance.

Classified as: Master of Business Administration (MBA), MBA Alumni
Published on: 24 Nov 2016

It’s still early days for UGo, a fledgling Montreal company that has developed a self-cleaning smoothie machine, but co-founders Morgan Abraham and Mitch Schwartz have big dreams.

“Down the road, I see us as a wellness company, not just a smoothie company,” said Abraham, 29, a Boston native who studied engineering at McGill University and returned to Montreal post-graduation to give his business idea a shot.

Read full article: Montreal Gazette, November 21, 2016 

Classified as: Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship, McGill Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship
Published on: 24 Nov 2016

...Le fait est que ça ne suffit pas de connaître seulement la loi : il faut avoir des connaissances en gestion, en relations interpersonnelles, mais les Facs de droit continuent d’enseigner ce qui était utile voici 25 ans. Il faut que ça change. Le spécialiste de la gestion de l’Université McGill, Harry Mintzberg, l’a écrit : le monde a besoin de gestionnaires, pas de détenteurs de MBA. C’est la même chose en droit : il faut des avocats bien formés, pas seulement des juristes.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg
Published on: 24 Nov 2016


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