Arianne Phosphate Inc. has named Dominique Bouchard (IMPM’00) as executive chair of its board of directors. Mr. Bouchard has been a member of the company’s board since 2013 and his new position follows his previous role as executive vice-chair.

Mr. Bouchard has also been vice-rector of Resources between 2014 and 2017 at the Université du Quebec in Chicoutimi, and has acquired 33 years of experience in Alcan and Rio Tinto organizations, having most recently served as president of Rio Tinto Quebec Iron & Titanium until his retirement in May, 2013.

Classified as: International Masters Program for Managers (IMPM), IMPM Alumni
Published on: 19 Dec 2017

Bombardier and Boeing are readying to make their cases in front of a major trade tribunal over the proposed 300 per cent tariffs on the C-Series planes.

According to Desautels Professor Karl Moore, Boeing will likely struggle to convince the US International Trade Commission to impose such heavy duties, as there is no tenable evidence that the C-Series, an order they did not even compete for, harmed Boeing’s business.

Classified as: Karl Moore, Strategy & Organization
Published on: 19 Dec 2017

Assessing the risks that toxic chemicals pose to natural ecosystems is a major challenge, but the task is expected to become less daunting thanks to a new tool, referred to as EcoToxChip, which is being developed by McGill University researchers, including Desautels Professor Steve Maguire.

The $9.6 million initiative is one of 13 applied research projects selected to receive funding from Genome Canada.

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Classified as: Steve Maguire, Strategy & Organization
Published on: 19 Dec 2017

An article authored by Paul Chipperton (MBA’04), lecturer in strategic innovation, entrepreneurship, and marketing at Smith School of Business, cautions that organizations, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s), should be wary about integrating so-called organizational misfits, as it risks putting the company in peril.

Rather than investing valuable time and resources into finding ways for them to mesh better with the organization, it is best to let them go instead, says Chipperton.

Classified as: Master of Business Administration (MBA), MBA Alumni
Published on: 19 Dec 2017

Following a number of episodes that exposed the ethical dubiousness of certain business practices, including the housing crash of 2008, some have wondered whether business school education is partly to blame.

However, a survey of some of today’s business programs shows a step in the right direction, with corporate social responsibility taking front and center in the curriculum.

Indeed, while millennials are generally pro-business, many believe that big corporations could be doing more to address social ills.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, Strategy & Organization
Published on: 19 Dec 2017

District m, co-founded by Jean-François Côté, is a digital advertising agency that develops technological platforms to help advertisers target their audiences more effectively.

Having experienced considerable growth over the last five years, they recognise that much of their success is owed to their employees.

With their sights set on the future, the company continues to invest heavily in professional development, with three members of their team currently pursuing their MBA studies at the Desautels Faculty of Management.

Classified as: Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Published on: 15 Dec 2017

Suzannah Raff (BCom’92) is paving the way in the beauty industry’s natural deodorant boom.

As Cleo&Coco, her aluminum-free deodorant line, reaches new heights, she recently sat down to talk about the trials and tribulations of launching a new beauty product.

Along the way, she discusses the frustrations of waiting for major brand expansion, how to survive packaging hiccups, and the importance of giving back.

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Classified as: Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), BCom Alumni
Published on: 15 Dec 2017

In response to Desautels Professor Henry Mintzberg’s oft-quoted assertion that that no direct link exists between leadership education and business success, an article for HR Magazine argues that business schools can indeed prepare the leaders of tomorrow to thrive in the wake of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, Strategy & Organization
Published on: 15 Dec 2017

According to new research conducted by Desautels Professor Patricia Hewlin, employees who conform to workplace values that they do not necessarily believe in are more likely to be less engaged at work, or even burn out.

“Managers should encourage employees to voice their opinions without fear of repercussions.

They should create a comfortable work environment and clearly communicate that disagreements can actually be good for business”, advises Prof. Hewlin.

Classified as: Organizational Behaviour, Patricia Hewlin
Published on: 15 Dec 2017

The Laurentian Bank of Canada recently revealed that they will have to buy back up to $300 million in loans issued to clients, realising that its vetting practices were not applied thoroughly enough.

Nevertheless, experts, such as Desautels Professor Mo Chaudhury, maintain that these issues are not rampant in the Canadian banking system and that the country is not on the brink of a mortgage crisis comparable to what unfolded in the U.S.   

Classified as: finance
Published on: 12 Dec 2017

In the next few days, the Trump administration will likely release its first National Security Strategy (NSS). In the lead-up to publication, many are turning to academic perspectives, such as those put forward by Desautels Professor Henry Mintzberg, to evaluate its viability.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, Strategy & Organization
Published on: 12 Dec 2017

Current MBA trends reveal that an increased number of American students are declining offers from domestic MBA programs in favor of Canadian ones.

Part of the appeal lies in Canada’s diversity, which current Desautels MBA student Jessica Erdman greatly appreciates. 

Classified as: Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Published on: 12 Dec 2017

Jonathan Goodman, BA'89, LLB'93, MBA'94

President & CEO, Knight Therapeutics Inc

Thursday, December 7, 2017 

Classified as: MBA Alumni, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Desautels Global Experts, Jonathan Goodman, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 8 Dec 2017

Congratulations to Geneviève Auclair (EMBA’17) who received a Meritorious Service Decoration from the Governor General of Canada this week.

As a physician, Geneviève is recognized for spearheading a successful campaign to recruit health care professionals to the Inuulitsivik Health Centre in Nunavik. This initiative also helped introduce local youth to potential careers as doctors, nurses, and technicians.

Classified as: McGill-HEC Executive MBA (EMBA), McGill-HEC Montreal Executive MBA (EMBA), EMBA Alumni
Published on: 8 Dec 2017

Thanks to a student-led fundraiser, a group of BCom students recently presented a Catchbox to the Desautels Faculty of Management in honour of Professor Sujata Madan.

Catchbox is a soft microphone that is designed to be thrown among an audience to increase engagement and participation.

This initiative was a way for students to thank a professor who continually inspires them.

Classified as: Sujata Madan, finance, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 8 Dec 2017


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