While some progress has been made in addressing discrimination in the workplace, many still feel the need to change themselves to conform to workplace cultural norms. Some, for example, may modify...
On May 4, members of the McGill community gathered at Maison Manuvie for the 2023 McGill Alumni Association Awards and Honours, which recognize alumni, friends, students, faculty, and staff who...
We want everyone to thrive and succeed in the workplace, says Prof. Patricia Faison Hewlin, but organizations need feedback from their employees for relationships to develop and to learn from...
Leaders are often faced with being their authentic self or doing what it takes to succeed. Decisions taken by senior management in the face of this authenticity dilemma can set a negative example...
Even the darkest cloud has a silver lining – but there is a time and a place to mention it. When employees are struggling through a crisis, putting a positive spin on the situation can make them...
For many parents and caregivers, working from home has made life a lot easier. And any return to the office will have consequences for them. Some employers have used surveys and online forums to...
During these difficult and unprecedented times, the world is in critical need of leaders who are skilled at connecting with people in meaningful ways: building unity, demonstrating empathy, and...
Inclusion isn't a warm and fuzzy feeling of belonging. Inclusion means being an integral part of an organization, and having the resources to get the job done, said Associate Professor of...
The complex issue of authenticity at work isn’t only about people within an organization—it’s connected to the organization’s own integrity, including policies on equity, diversity, and inclusion....