Who is eligible?
Students entering or currently registered in graduate studies may apply for CIHR-funded scholarship support through the Chemical Biology Program. Preference for support is given to students in the early years of their program.
Applicants should already be accepted into the laboratory of a Mentor and into the graduate program of one of the participating departments (currently Biochemistry, Chemistry or Pharmacology and Therapeutics) at the time their Scholarship applications are considered. However, students may apply for a Scholarship before they actually commence their graduate studies.
In order to apply for a Chemical Biology Scholarship, it is not necessary to be already registered for the Option. However, recipients are expected to register for the Option program (including undertaking to take part in its non-credit activities) before taking up their awards.
How do I apply for a Scholarship?
Download the new chembio_scholarship_form.doc or chembio_postdoctoral_form.doc with instructions. Scan each application and save the file as a PDF as LastName_FirstName_CHEMBIO_Month-Year. To apply you must already have a Mentor who has accepted to be your research director (though again, you need not have started your graduate work) and a project proposal.
Next Application Deadline
Application for the next Scholarship and Fellowship competition must be submitted (and complete) by September 1, 2014.
How are applications evaluated?
Applications for support are reviewed by the Program Committee, which meets twice annually for this purpose. Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis, judging applications according to the academic and research performance of the applicant and the suitability of the research project to provide training in the philosophy and methods of chemical biology.
What are the terms of the Scholarships?
Scholarships awarded at the November competition must be taken up between January 1st and April 30th, and scholarships awarded at the May competition between September 1st and December 31st. Awards are tenable for one year and (subject to availability of funds) may be competitively renewed for one additional year. Students pursuing collaborative projects over an extended period between two different laboratories that provide complementary training may be considered for funding for up to four years of graduate study (again, subject to competitive annual renewal).
Chemical Biology Scholarships are awarded at two levels: $15,000 for one year for students pursuing projects in a single laboratory and with a single research director, and $17,850 for students carrying out collaborative research for an extended period between two different laboratories. In all cases these stipends are augmented by funds from other sources to ensure that each student in the program receives support that meets or exceeds the minimum guaranteed level of the ‘home’ department.
How are students supported when they do not have Chemical Biology Scholarships?
Students may apply for external awards from agencies such as CIHR, NSERC or FRSQ/FCAR, or for internal awards from the McGill Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Students not supported by external funds are supported from the supervisor's research funds and/or by teaching assistantships, according to the practice of the home department. This also applies to students registered for the Option who do not receive a Scholarship award.