The unique platform infrastructure of the McConnell BIC is available and accessible to all researchers.
We offer one of the largest brain-imaging research and service platform worldwide. All imaging cores are hosted under the unique roof of the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) and hospital.
Every year, the McConnell BIC scans >3,500 research participants with a multimodality of 7 research-dedicated scanners for humans and animal models.
Cyclotron and GMP/GLP radiochemistry
High-resolution PET
Standard-resolution PET
Small-animal PET
Small-bore ultra-high field MRI (7T)
Human and animal MRI @ 3T and 7T
Real-time MEG (275 channels + 60-channel simultaneous EEG)
TMS (contact [at] (request access))
High-density simultaneous EEG-fMRI (contact [at] (request access))
Large-scale computing & data storage backbone