67 results in Environment (remove filter)
Interfaculty Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The growth of technology, globalization of economies, and rapid increases in population and per capita consumption, have had dramatic environmental impacts on our Earth, on society’s relationship with the earth, and on our...
Minor, Specialization
Macdonald Campus
The Ecological Agriculture Specialization provides a holistic understanding of how agro-ecosystems work, combining science and innovation with a respect for natural systems and biodiversity. You will learn all about the...
Macdonald Campus
Why does food seem to travel so far to get to the table? With the complex economic dynamics at play today, people working in agriculture and food systems require solid financial and market analysis, as well as knowledge of...
Major, Minor
Macdonald Campus
Agricultural Economics is a field of applied economics that aims to optimize the ways we produce and distribute food. This program will give you a foundation in agriculture and international development, food systems, trade...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Field studies offer you a chance to put theory into practice through local, regional, and international field study semesters and individual courses. Field Study Semesters are packages of McGill courses aimed at upper-year...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
In order to develop sustainable paths to economic development, we need to find common ground between the disciplines of environmental studies and economics.   In the Environment and Development Domain, open to students in the...
Macdonald Campus
Are you interested in biodiversity and conservation? As the impact of industrialization and population growth on natural systems has become more severe, conservation has emerged as an important area of practical endeavour. In...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
If you choose to pursue a BA in Environment, you can complement your studies within the Economics and Earth’s Environment Domain. You’ll gain an understanding of how economics influence decision-makers' choices around resource...
Macdonald Campus
The Minor in Agribusiness Entrepreneurship will teach you key concepts and processes involved in launching and managing new agricultural and food businesses. You will learn how to conceptualize, develop and manage successful...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Curious to learn about the ins-and-outs of the Earth’s surface and its hydrosphere? What about those of neighbouring terrestrial planets? Earth and Planetary Science is a broad discipline that allows you to study the solid...


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