Results of the September 2013 CIHR Operating Grants Competition
Please join us in congratulating the recipients of the CIHR operating grants competition. (Posted January 31, 2014)
Frank J Elgar Social, economic and policy influences on social inequalities in adolescent health: a cross-national comparative study in 43 countries (1986-2014)
Bruno J Giros A pharmacological approach to reduce cognitive deficits in psychosis: Targeting of the dopamine D1 receptors.

New Interim Head of the Department of Psychiatry at the Montreal Children's Hospital
It is our pleasure to announce that Dr. Lila Amirali has accepted to act as Interim Head of the Department of Psychiatry of the Montreal Children’s Hospital as well as Interim Division Chief of Child Psychiatry. This new leadership role has been in effect since January 1, 2014. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Amirali in her new position.
Please note that a Search Committee for a permanent Department Head will be organized in the near future.
New Program Director for Geriatric Psychiatry: Dr. Jess Friedland
It is our pleasure to announce Dr. Jess Friedland as the new Program Director for Geriatric Psychiatry.

Spotlight on Dr. Simon Young
In this week’s Spotlight, we would like to highlight Dr. Simon Young who will be setting his sights on a well-deserved retirement as Emeritus Professor after 42 years with the McGill Department of Psychiatry.
Two Douglas psychiatrists honoured by the Verdun community
Mimi Israël, MD, and Serge Beaulieu, MD, PhD received a 2013 “Coup de chapeau verdunois” for their commitment as first-line psychiatrists. The awards were handed out by Roger Cadieux, President of the Forum économique de Verdun, during a recognition ceremony on the evening of November 27.
This award recognizes the involvement of Verdun residents and employees.

Douglas-Based Research Team Obtains $1.5 Million to Study a New Method of Neuronal Communication
Salah El Mestikawy, PhD, a researcher at The Douglas Institute, along with his research team, have received $1.5 million to explore the dual signalling capacity of neurons. This research grant is one of five new Multi-Investigator Research Initiative (MIRI) grants awarded by Brain Canada with funds from the Canada Brain Research Fund and Partners. The Douglas team will work with colleagues at the University of Western Ontario.

Spotlight on Dr. Rimma Orenman
In this week’s Spotlight, we would like to welcome Dr. Rimma Orenman as a new member of our department.

OneStart Bio-Entrepreneur Competition
SR-One and Oxbridge Biotech Roundtable invite young bio-entrepreneurs from McGill University to enter the world¹s largest life science business plan competition, OneStart. The winner will receive $150k, free lab space and ongoing legal and intellectual property advice.

Spotlight on Dr. Nicola Casacalenda
Dr. Casacalenda is an Associate Professor in the McGill Department of Psychiatry. As Training Director and Clinical Supervisor at the Jewish General Hospital, Dr.
Dr. Samarthji Lal Award or Mental Health Research: 2014 Award
English Version: Dr. Samarthji Lal Award 2014
Version française: Bourse 2014, Dr. Samarthji Lal

Best Undergraduate Teacher in Psychiatry Award: Dr. Tewfik Said
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Tewfik Said, this year’s recipient of the Best Undergraduate Teacher in Psychiatry Award.
Department of Psychiatry Newsletter - Fall 2013
Click to view: Department of Psychiatry Newsletter - Fall 2013
Recruit fully-funded PhD candidates - Science without Borders program (SWB/CsF)
Dear Colleagues,
Results of the March 2013 CIHR Operating Grants Competition
Please join us in congratulating the recipients of the CIHR operating grants competition. (Posted June 28, 2013)
Gabriella Gobbi (Martin Beaulieu) Melatonin MT1 receptor as a target for antidepressant drugs
Jorge Armony (Neda Ladbon Bernasconi) Effects of Amygdala Lesions on Human Emotional Processing