
Child & Adolescent Subspecialty Program

The Division of Child Psychiatry of the McGill University Department of Psychiatry is pleased to announce that its application for recognition of its training program was approved by the Royal College of Canada! The Division can now train new child psychiatrists under the new Subspecialty in Child Psychiatry created by the Royal College.

Published: 25 Jan 2013

New Chief of the Department of Psychiatry at the St. Mary's Hospital

The Department of Psychiatry is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Santokh Singh as Chief of the Department of Psychiatry at the St. Mary’s Hospital Center where he will be replacing Dr. Susanne Lamarre.

Published: 17 Jan 2013

Info Capsule: Spotlight on Dr. Frank Elgar

This week, the Department of Psychiatry would like to put the spotlight on Dr. Frank Elgar who was recently awarded the Canada Research Chair Tier 2 Award.

Published: 9 Jan 2013

Info Capsule: Spotlight on Dr. Carl Ernst

The Department of Psychiatry would like to congratulate Dr. Carl Ernst for being the recipient of two recent awards:

the Canada Research Chair Tier 2 Award


the Douglas Hospital Induced-Pluripotent Stem Cell Laboratory for Cognitive Disorders Award

Published: 20 Dec 2012

New Chief of the Department of Psychiatry at the McGill University Health Centre

Message from Normand Rinfret, Director General and CEO

It is with great pleasure that we announce the appointment of Dr. Nadia Szkrumelak to the position of Chief of the Department of Psychiatry.

Published: 3 Dec 2012

Resident Awards Night Results--November 21, 2012

The Resident Awards Night took place at the Thomson House on November 21st. I would like to thank the MPRA and the Department of Psychiatry for making this a special evening where we were able to honor Faculty and Resident achievements. Congratulations to the 2012 award recipients! Best regards, Karl Looper, MD, FRCPCProgram Director, Post-Graduate Education


Published: 23 Nov 2012

Claude de Montigny (1945-2012): un professeur mondialement connu

We are sorry to inform you that Dr. Claude de Montigny, Professor Emeritus from the Department of Psychiatry, has passed away on the evening of October 19, 2012.

On behalf of the Department of Psychiatry at McGill University, I would like to express sincere condolences to the de Montigny family.

Warm regards,

Published: 6 Nov 2012

Continuing Education for Mental Health Professionals - 2013

The McGill University Child Psychiatry Division is organizing a series of 4 bilingual seminars for the mental health professionals. These seminars will be presented in English, on Tuesday afternoon and in French on Wednesday afternoon, once a month, from 3:00 to 5:00 from January to April 2013Please see attached brochure for details. Thank youRita RiccioAdministrative AssistantDivision of Child Psychiatry, McGill University

Published: 26 Oct 2012

Dr. Reut Gruber's research featured in Time Healthland, CBS News and CNN Health

Time Healthland: More Sleep Means More Focused, Emotionally Stable Kids
Published: 19 Oct 2012

Dr. Carl Ernst's research featured in the Montreal Gazette

Rare genetic mutation linked to psychiatric illnesses, obesity 

B Charlie Fidelman, GAZETTE Health Reporter October 8, 2012 

MONTREAL — Grounding chronic illnesses and mental disorders in human DNA is like trying to tease out a giant riddle that’s complicated by the intricate relationship between biology and behaviour. Hundreds of genes have been associated with psychiatric conditions, some erroneously, and they were not confirmed.

Published: 11 Oct 2012

Article from Dr. Michael Meaney's lab featured in ScienceDaily

From the lab of CIFAR Fellow Michael Meaney (McGill University): Scientists have provided evidence that socioeconomic status affects family function and the development and function of brain regions that are critical for attention, learning and memory. Meaney's lab looks into how parenting produces lasting effects on cognitive and emotional development.

Published: 11 Oct 2012

Government of Canada and Graham Boeckh Foundation jointly support mental health research network

Ottawa, Ontario (October 1, 2012) – The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Health, joined Tony Boeckh, Chair of the Graham Boeckh Foundation, and Dr. Alain Beaudet, President of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), to announce the launch of the new Patient-Oriented Network in Adolescent and Youth Mental Health.

Published: 9 Oct 2012

Dr. Suzane Renaud (Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry) Inaugurated as President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association

Dr. Suzane Renaud, a clinical psychiatrist from Montreal, Quebec, who specializes in treating bipolar and personality disorders, was inaugurated as President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association.

Published: 3 Oct 2012

New Associate Graduate Program Director: Dr. Naguib Mechawar

To all faculty and students,

Published: 28 Sep 2012

New Chief and Head of Child Psychiatry: Dr. Martin Gauthier

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Martin Gauthier has been appointed as the Director of the McGill University Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and the Chief of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Montreal Children’s Hospital of the McGill University Health Centre, effective September 1, 2012.

Published: 28 Sep 2012


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