Associate Professor and William Dawson Scholar
Department of Sociology
McGill University
Stephen Leacock Building, room 840
855 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2T7
Tel.: 514-398-5664
Fax: 514-398-7276
E-Mail: ershor [at] gmail.com
Office: Stephen Leacock Building, room 840
Eran Shor's work spans several major research and teaching interests including the causes and effects of political conflict and violence, specifically counterterrorist policies. Relying on a combination of longitudinal time-series cross-national analyses and case studies, his work demonstrates the importance of social and cultural processes in determining state policies and challenges more traditional theoretical approaches. He leads two separate research projects that examine inequality in the media coverage of ethnic minorities and women, using both qualitative content analysis and various statistical analysis methods. He is also conducting a large-scale statistical meta-analysis project, which explores the effect of different social stressors and of social relationships on mortality in different countries and under varying conditions. This project has already produced analyses of the effects of unemployment, war exposure, widowhood, divorce, lifetime non-marriage, participation in voluntary organizations, and social support.