MPFSS, 25th Anniversary

MPFSS 25th Anniversary Banne

Academic content

Required courses

There are three required courses for a total of 9 credits that provide formal training: BIOL 553 and two other courses which are offered in alternate years.  Field trips and transdisciplinary approaches are structuring elements of these courses.

Hands-on experience in an internship setting is gained through the Research in Panama course ENVR 451 (6 credits).  It consists of an independent studies project organized around multidisciplinary environmental issues. The nature of the project centers on practical environmental problems and questions important for Panama; students form teams that work with Panamanian institutions (NGO, governmental or research).

Please note that the courses differ slightly from year to year.

Students from all Faculties are welcomed. The only prerequisite is a working fluency in Spanish and a statistics class (MATH 203 or equivalent).

Courses offered each year (9 credits)

  • BIOL 553 Neotropical Environments 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • ENVR 451 Research in Panama 6 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer



Courses offered in alternate years (6 credits)


Winter 2024


  • HIST 510 Enviro. Hist. of L. Am (Field) 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • AGRI 550 Sustained Tropical Agriculture 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer


Winter 2025

  • NUTR 341 Global Food Security 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • GEOG 498 Humans in Tropical Envirnmnts 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

***Note that B.Sc. students - only - may qualify for the B.Sc. Global designation. Verify the eligibility and application process.


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