MPFSS, 25th Anniversary

MPFSS 25th Anniversary Banne

Bridge to Kuna Yala, Panama

The McGill Panama Field Study Semester (MPFSS) is a joint venture between McGill University and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI). Students will be living for up to four months in Panama taking courses that specifically address Latin America social and tropical environmental issues.
Discover what awaits you in Panama. Sneak preview


Read more about the courses
and the teaching team


Check what is included
in the program fees

Piggy bank

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These awards can help you!

application form

Winter-2025 MPFSS application is now OPEN! DEADLINE- April 22, 2024

Suitcase for travelling

You are now accepted!
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B.Sc. Global Designation

Electrified world floating

The B.Sc. Global Designation recognizes students who have gone beyond a typical B.Sc. experience by broadening their horizons through participation in global-related study and/or non-McGill study or work experience.

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