shows brand new lab in Duff building space , lab benches



Pain research at McGill University is conducted at the AECRP (Alan Edwards Centre for Research on Pain). The Centre comprises of researchers from the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Science.It's main goal is to bring together the McGill community of basic and clinical pain researchers to promote research that will result in cures for chronic pain.Through activities and international collaborations, the Centre focuses on new discoveries and their clinical applications that will prevent and treat chronic pain. 



                                   Check out some of our Labs and their websites:A computer screen connected to the internet


·        Claudio Cuello   Cuello Lab

·        Luda Diatchenko  Lab Website

·        Gabriella Gobbi      Neurobiological Psychiatry Unit - McGill University

·        Arkady Khoutorsky    KHOUTORSKY LAB | McGill University, Montreal, QC

·        Jeffrey Mogil      Pain Genetics Lab

·        Reza Sharif Naeini

·        Tomoko Ohyama   Tomoko Ohyama Lab 

·        Mathieu Roy    Roy Pain Lab

·        Philippe Seguela    the Séguéla Lab (

·        Michael John L Sullivan     Dr. Michael Sullivan - Home (

 ·        Ji Zhang    Zhang PainImmunology Lab - McGill University


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