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Ada McVean MSc - Science Communicator

Ada McVean MSc - Science Communicator
Contact Information
Email address: 
ada.mcvean [at]

Ada McVean is a science writer and communicator living in London, England. She received her BSc, with a double major in bio-organic chemistry and gender, sexuality, feminist and social justice studies from McGill University in 2019, and her MSc from McGill University in 2022. Her thesis focused on oligonucleotide chemistry, specifically synthesizing and characterizing small nucleic acid-based inhibitors of Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 using click chemistry.

Science communication allows Ada to unite some of the things she is most passionate about: science, social justice and a big love of animals! She has been working with the McGill Office for Science and Society since 2016, separating sense from nonsense, and has been a freelance science writer since 2019. In 2020 Ada started her column “But What Do I Know” with Skeptical Inquirer.

Ada volunteers with Montreal’s largest no-kill cat shelter, Réseau Secours Animal making funny tweets to fundraise, recruit new volunteers and promote adoptions and fosters.

When not writing, Ada spends her time listening to podcasts, playing video games, cooking and trying to find stray cats to pet.

Ada's favourite OSS 3 articles

1. Can Women Ejaculate? That Depends on Whom You Ask.

2. How Do Veterinarians Die?

3. 40 Years of Human Experimentation in America: The Tuskegee Study

You can see all of the articles by Ada here and here!

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