The Ingram School of Nursing (ISoN) is currently home to four faculty researchers whose work addresses Oncology & Chronic Care. Areas of interest include predictors of emotional and physical well-being in patients with cancer and their family caregivers, psychosocial and nursing interventions for patients with cancer, psychosocial and behaviour impact of cancer in cancer survivors, psychosocial oncology, and more.
Impact of cancer on patients
and their family caregivers;
Psychometric analysis using
Rasch analysis;
Mixed research methodology
quantitative and qualitative)
Psychosocial oncology and
cancer care;
Young and middle-aged
Mixed methodology;
Transitions in care;
Global health
Psychosocial oncology and
cancer care;
Survivorship care;
Cancer and work;
Fear of cancer recurrence;
Clinical trials and Intervention
Cancer care/oncology;
Vulnerable/at risk populations;
Transitions in care;
Informatics/technologies in
health care