Oxana Kapoustina, RN
Program Director, BNI Program, Online modality
Assistant Professor
680 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, QC, H3A 2M7
Office: 1934
oxana.kapoustina [at] mcgill.ca
Oxana Kapoustina is Assistant Professor at McGill University’s Ingram School of Nursing. She teaches in the Undergraduate programs and was involved in developing and implementing the Critical Care curriculum at the School. Oxana is one of the School’s experts in Inquiry-Based Learning. Her teaching philosophy centers on cultivating critical-thinking and problem-solving skills with her students. Oxana contributed to the development of the novel B.N.I. online program through governance, as an Assistant and then Associate Program Director and as a content expert, developing acute and critical care courses. Oxana continues to be clinically active, with expertise in Emergency Nursing. She is involved in clinical and academic councils and contributes to the strategic direction of the School by bridging the evolving modern healthcare needs and the educational support for the School’s students. Prior to this appointment, Oxana worked as a nurse clinician at McGill University Health Centre’s Emergency Department where she was involved in educational and nursing orientation activities. She is now the academic appointee at the MUHC Council of Nurses. Oxana completed her undergraduate degree in physiology at McGill University. Thereafter, she obtained a Master of Science degree in Biochemistry and then completed the Master of Science (Applied) degree in Nursing. Her research activities include the detection of pain in non-verbal patients, wellness and perceptions of stress by nurses in critical care and during the pandemic, support of nurse educators/instructors in coaching students, as well as self-directed learning behaviours in nursing.
Areas of interest:
- Emergency nursing
- Educator support in nursing
- Holistic care of family and patient in the emergency department
- Stress and coping mechanisms of critical care nurses
- Mindfulness and its application to nursing care
- Pain assessment and management
- Nursing leadership in the workplace