
Paris Climate Change Conference (Nov.-Dec. 2015)

Published: 27 November 2015


The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21, will be held in Paris from November 30 to December 11.

Attending the conference

James Ford, Department of Geography and Climate Change Adaptation Research Group
Climate change vulnerability and adaptation, with a specific focus on Indigenous populations (especially Inuit), and global scale adaptation policy [at] (English)
Adaptation tracking for a post-2015 climate agreement, Nature Climate Change (October 23, 2015)
Note: He will be tweeting from the COP 21 at @ccadapt. He will attend the first week of the Conference and will have a side event on Saturday Dec. 5th.

Twitter list of McGill-related people tweeting #COP21

Additional experts

Catherine Potvin, Department of Biology
Global change biologist.
Catherine.potvin [at] (and copy Divya Sharma, divya.sharma2 [at] (English, French and Spanish)
Acting on Climate Change: Solutions from Canadian Scholars
Note: She will be in Victoria from November 26th to December 2nd and in Panama from December 3rd to 10th.

Sébastien Jodoin, Faculty of Law
Transnational and comparative law, public policy, environmental law and sustainable development, corporate law and social responsibility, international trade, entrepreneurship.
sebastien.jodoin-pilon [at] (English and French)

Dror Etzion, Desautels Faculty of Management
Sustainable enterprise, corporate environmental performance, sustainability and competitive strategy.
dror.etzion [at] (English)
- Unleashing sustainability transformations through robust action, Journal of Cleaner Production
Tackling Grand Challenges Pragmatically: Robust Action Revisited, Organization Studies

Elena Bennett, Department of Natural Resource Sciences and McGill School of Environment
Global change and planetary boundaries, not climate change.
elena.bennett [at] (English)
- Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet, Science
- Bennett lab
- Marianne Falardeau-Côté, PhD student in Arctic ecology (English, French) : "Sauvons la planète", Le Soleil (Nov. 27, 2015)

Christopher Green, Departement of Economics and McGill School of Environment

Energy technology and climate policy [at] (English only)
- A ‘fair and ambitious’ climate agreement is not nearly enough: Paris 2015 take heed!, Environmental Research Letters (Published Oct. 23, 2015)
- Isabel Galiana, PhD student, also available to comment in English and French. isabel.galiana [at]

Shaun Lovejoy, Department of Physics
The statistics of atmospheric variability.
shaun.lovejoy [at] (English, French)
- Climate Closure, Eos (October 20, 2015)
- Using scaling for macroweather forecasting including the pause, Geophysical Research Letter

Bruno Tremblay, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Climate change : Arctic and global climate.
Bruno.tremblay [at] (English, French)

Jeff McKenzie, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences

Impacts of climate change on water resources in cold regions, primarily focused on the Andes and the Arctic.
jeffrey.mckenzie [at] (English)
- Lauren Somers, PhD student, is studying how climate change is affecting water resources and glacier recession (English, French)
- Caroline Aubry-Wake, MSc student, is studying what factors are affecting the rapid rate at which glaciers are receding (English, French)

Christopher Barrington-Leigh, Institute for Health and Social Policy & McGill School of Environment, and Department of Economics
Carbon pricing (Quebec, elsewhere in Canada, and international); renewable energy options in Canada.
chris.barrington-leigh [at] (English and French)

Guillaume Lord, PhD student, Department of Economics
How to foster participation and compliance with an international agreement on climate change. How smart treaty design can be used to neutralize perverse economic incentives.
guillaume.lord [at] (English, French)
- Coorganizer of a Model United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change event on Nov. 7, 2015 at McGill University.


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