Meditation Workshop-April 14

MORSL and the McGill Lotus Dance and Mental Health Initiative invite you to a meditation workshop with special guest facilitator Jonathan Stewart!
There are only 7 spots available for this session. You must RSVP on myInvolvement to attend this *in person* event. Public health measures in effect.
Register online via myInvolvement to attend.
How to get here:
MORSL is located in a 4-storey brick building at 3610 McTavish (corner of Dr Penfield). The entrance to 3610 McTavish is set back a bit from the street, so keep walking a little bit up the hill and look left - you'll see a small red and white sign with the McGill crest and our address on it.
Our offices are on the 3rd floor. There is an elevator to your left in the lobby, or the stairs to your right. MORSL is at the end of the hall on the left - just follow the signs. Room 36-2 is the main reception where you can sign in. The Meditation Room is adjacent to the main office.
About the facilitator:
Jonathan Stewart is MORSL's Gnostic Faith volunteer. He's a Montreal-based writer and editor, originally from Canada’s East Coast. He’s long had a passion for all things Gnostic, esoteric, and mystical; some of this started with him reading Phillip K. Dick when he was 12 and moving straight on to the Nag Hammadi Library when he was way too young to understand any of it. He came across the Apostolic Johannite Church in 2011 and has been in love with the welcoming and supportive Johannite community ever since. He joined the church in 2013, was admitted to the minor orders in 2014, and entered the AJC’s seminary in 2015. Meditation is a particular interest of Jonathan’s and he’s been meditating in both Buddhist and Christian traditions since he was a teen; this has come in handy as he married a Buddhist and is happy to have common ground in his interfaith marriage. He’s also a Martinist having joined the Ordre Martiniste Opératif Au Québec in 2011.