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Booking Characterization Equipment

McGill users booking XPS, XRD, Raman

Existing users: please login
First time users: please complete the steps below:
  1. Download and fill out the project form PDF icon miam_characterization_project_form_v2024-10.pdf

  2. Email the form to characterization.miam [at] mcgill.ca .

  3. Training Session is set up.

  4. An online account is created to book the equipment after the training.

Non-McGill clients requesting service on XPS, XRD, Raman


  1. Client submits a request with the webform to get a quotation from MIAM Research Associate.
  2. Client sends Purchase order with matched quotation to McGill University Accounts Receivable 3465 Durocher Street, Suit 323 Montreal, QC, H2X 0A8 Contact: maria.anania [at] mcgill.ca (Maria Anania), CC characterization.miam [at] mcgill.ca (MIAM Characterization), administrator-miam [at] mcgill.ca (MIAM Administrator) TEL 514-398-1327.
  3. Research Associate performs Experiment & Analysis after Purchase Order and Samples are received.
  4. Client will receive the analysis results and the invoice from MIAM.

Booking other Characterization Equipment

The following instruments need cleanroom access.
To book the instruments, please follow the procedures here
  • SEM 
  • Ellipsometer
  • Optical Profiler 
  • Optical Microscope
  • Reflectometer
  • Profilometer 
  • Stress Measurement  














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