MPP Timetable

Fall 2024  (15 Credits)

August 19 - 23
Orientation Week

August 26 – October 4


August 26 - October 4 (Labour Day September 2) Make-up class Friday, September 6th

TTH 9:00 - 10:30

PPOL 602: Microeconomics for Public Policy | Mayssun El-Attar (12 weeks)
TTH 11:00 - 12:30 PPOL 606: Science, Evidence and Experts | Nick King (12-week course)
MW 9:00 - 12:00 PPOL 613: Elective: Global Policy and Political Landscape | Emily Rhoads
MW 9:00 - 12:00 PPOL 612: Elective: Canadian Policy and Political Landscape | Andrew Potter

October 7 - 11


October 14 - 18

Canadian Thanksgiving/ Fall Reading Break - No Classes

October 21 - November 29


TTH 9:00 - 10:30

PPOL 602: Microeconomics for Public Policy | Mayssun El-Attar (12 weeks)
TTH 11:00 - 12:30 PPOL 606: Science, Evidence and Experts | Nick King (12-week course)
MW 13:00 - 16:00 PPOL 608: Elective: Program Evaluation | Leslie Fierro
MW 9:00 - 12:00 PPOL 605: Elective: Analytical Methods for Policy Evaluation | Erin Strumpf
December 2 - 6

Exam week

December 9 - 13

Case Study Week 1

MTWTHF Case Study 1: Brian Topp - Alberta's Climate Change Plan
MTWTHF Case Study 2: David Shribman - Gun Violence in the United States
MTWTHF Case Study 3: Miled Hill - Emergency Responses to Covid-19
MTWTHF Case Study 4: Laura Dawson - Immigration and Roxham Road


December 16 - 20

Complexity Seminar 1

MTWTHF AI and Public Policy - Taylor Owen, Nick King 
MTWTHF Budgeting and Fiscal Policy - Louis Levesque
MTWTHF Rhetoric and Communication of Public Policy - Cheryl Oates

December 23 - January 3

Winter Break (Office Closed)

Winter 2025  (16.5 Credits)

January 6 - 10

Case Study 2

MTWTHF Case Study 5: Dirk Druet - Managing Principled Trade-offs in International Public Policy
MTWTHF Case Study 6: Aengus Bridgman - Mis/Disinformation
MTWTHF Case Study 7: Debbie Field and David Kraft - School Food Programs
January 13 - 17

Complexity Seminar 2

MTWTHF Achieving Policy Transparency - Kevin Page
MTWTHF Role of Private Sector and Policymaking – Ian Scott
MTWTHF Race and Inequality (TBC)
January 20 - 24 Policy Lab Week 1

January 27 - March 14


MW 9:00 - 12:00

PPOL 604: Law and Public Policy | Pearl Eliadis
TH 13:00 - 16:00

PPOL 603: Elective: Comparative Democracies | Naren Subramanian

TH 9:00 - 12:00

PPOL 610: Elective: Science Policy | Rees Kassen

March 3 - 7 Reading Break
March 17 - 21

Policy Lab Week 2

March 24 - 28

Case Study 3

March 31 - April 4

Complexity Seminar 3

Summer 2025  (13.5 Credits)

April 7 - May 16


(Good Friday April 18 and Easter Monday April 21)

MW 9:00 - 12:00

PPOL 609: Reasoning about Public Policy | Andrew Potter

TTH  PPOL 601: Elective: Global Macro Policy | Francisco Alvarez
TTH PPOL 614: Elective: Canada-U.S. Policy Relationship | Vincent Rigby
TTH PPOL 607: Elective: Information and Media Literacy | Taylor Owen

May 19 - 23

Exam Week

(Victoria Day Monday, May 19)

May 26 - 30 Policy Lab Week 3
June 2 - 6

Case Study 4

June 9 - 13

Complexity Seminar 4

June 16 - 20

Policy Lab week 4

June 25 - 27

Policy Lab - Final Presentations

(Summer Friday Monday June 23 and St Jean Baptiste June 24)


There are currently no events available.

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