First MPP Teaching Faculty Meeting

The MPP Teaching Faculty met as a group to plan for the arrival of our inaugural MPP class in the fall

On May 29, 2019, our teaching faculty got together for a full day session at McGill's Faculty Club. This eclectic group of policy practitioners and academics spent the day discussing their respective curricula and sharing previous experiences in teaching and policy practice.


The diverse and accomplished group of individuals which make up the 2019-20 MPP cohort were introduced to the instructors. 

An overiew of the MPP's Skills Workshops was provided since these workshops develop specific applied skills which will be integrated into the broader MPP curriculum.

Nathalie Duchesnay presented the MPP Policy Lab, a unique opportunity to work closely with a private, public or non-profit organization to solve a real-world policy issue. 

The thirty instructors will be instrumental in shaping the experience of our MPP students. For more photos of the meeting, view the gallery below! 

Meet the MPP Teaching Faculty

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