- Collegiality Committee
- Communications Committee
- Contract Academic Staff (CAS) Committee
- MAUT Faculty Club Committee
- Finance Committee
- Membership Committee
- Nominating Committee
- Non-Discrimination Committee
- Promotion Mentoring Committee
- MAUT Staff Remuneration Committee
- Retiree Affairs Committee
- Tenure and Mentoring Committee
Collegiality Committee
Purpose: The Collegiality Committee assesses the status of collegial governance at McGill and, in conjunction with Council, plans activities that promote it. Activities include but are not limited to:
- Identifying threats to collegiality that impact academic staff at McGill University
- Reviewing McGill University Regulations, policies, practices and procedures with the view of promoting collegiality
- Organizing occasional MAUT fora on the subject of collegiality
Composition: Chair and a minimum of two additional members
Collegiality Committee |
Chair: Samuel Huberman (Engineering) | samuel.huberman [at] mcgill.ca |
Dan Guitton, VP External (Medicine and Health Sciences) | daniel.guitton [at] mcgill.ca |
Jelena Ristic, VP External (Science) | jelena.ristic [at] mcgill.ca |
Communications Committee
Purpose: The Communications Committee, in conjunction with Council, develops an effective communication strategy for MAUT and implements it. Activities include but are not limited to:
- Maintaining communication with members
- Disseminating information to current and potential members
- Exploring the use of alternative effective means of communication such as digital media and website
- Facilitating communication among members
Composition: Chair (VP Communications) and a minimum of two additional members
Communications Committee |
Chair: Renée Sieber (AES & Science) | renee.sieber [at] mcgill.ca |
Caroline Riches (Education) | caroline.riches [at] mcgill.ca |
Katherine Zien (Arts) | katherine.zien [at] mcgill.ca |
Contract Academic Staff (CAS) Committee
Purpose: The Contract Academic Staff Committee provides MAUT CAS members support and guidance regarding working conditions, reappointment and promotion processes, and presents professional activities that will support CAS in their academic advancement. The CAS committee pays attention to and makes recommendations to Council regarding interests or concerns of MAUT Contract Academic Staff Members. Activities include but are not limited to:
- Mentoring the employment situations of CAS in terms of equity and fairness
- Participating in and making recommendations for any revisions in other McGill regulations and policies, which include or should include Contract Academic Staff
- Disseminating information about successful mentoring models at McGill
- Organizing annual workshops for new CAS faculty on CAS promotion mentoring
- Alerting MAUT CAS members about responsibilities regarding the preparation of promotion dossiers
- Identifying/introducing advisors to MAUT CAS members who can assist in CAS career development
Composition: Chair (the elected representative of the MAUT CAS Members) and a minimum of two additional MAUT CAS Members
Contract Academic Staff (CAS) Committee |
Chair: Caroline Riches (Education) | caroline.riches [at] mcgill.ca |
Fernando Altamura (AES) | fernando.altamura [at] mcgill.ca |
William Archambault (Medicine and Health Sciences) | william.archambault [at] mcgill.ca |
Caroline Begg (AES) | caroline.begg [at] mcgill.ca |
Mélanie Gauthier (Medicine) | melanie.gauthier [at] mcgill.ca |
Margaret Levey (School of Continuing Studies) | margaret.levey [at] mcgill.ca |
Caroline Marchionni (Medicine and Health Sciences) | caroline.marchionni [at] mcgill.ca |
Justin Mariner (Music) | justin.mariner [at] mcgill.ca |
Laura Pavelka (Science) | laura.pavelka [at] mcgill.ca |
Carolyn Samuel (TLS) | caroline.samuel [at] mcgill.ca |
Maria Sierra Cordoba Serrano (School of Continuing Studies) | maria.cordobaserrano [at] mcgill.ca |
Jason Tanny (Medicine and Health Sciences) | jason.tanny [at] mcgill.ca |
Edith Zorychta (Medicine and Health Sciences) | edith.zorychta [at] mcgill.ca |
MAUT Faculty Club Committee
Purpose: The MAUT Faculty Club Committee maintains and develops the relationship between the Association and the McGill Faculty Club. Activities include but are not limited to:
- Liaising between MAUT Council and the McGill Faculty Club in regard to its status, finances, etc.
- Communicating activities that promote membership in and involvement with the Club
Composition: Chair and a minimum of two additional members
MAUT Faculty Club Committee |
Chair: Edith Zorychta (Medicine and Health Sciences) | edith.zorychta [at] mcgill.ca |
David Harpp (Science) | david.n.harpp [at] mcgill.ca |
Kyoko Hashimoto (Music) | kyoko.hashimoto [at] mcgill.ca |
Bernard Robaire (Medicine and Health Sciences) | bernard.robaire [at] mcgill.ca |
Finance Committee
Purpose: The Finance Committee makes recommendations to Council regarding the financial policy of the Association, undertakes the routine management of its assets, and monitors its financial assets and activities. The Finance Committee also reviews the status of the Association’s records and record keeping policies and activities and makes appropriate recommendations. Activities include but are not limited to:
- Reviewing MAUT expenditure and revenue patterns of the previous year
- Occasionally reviewing membership dues
- Making recommendations to Council for long-term investment policy
- Making recommendations to Council for selecting the Auditor
- Facilitating the audit process
Composition: Chair (VP, Finance), President, President-Elect, and a maximum of 3 additional members with relevant expertise
Finance Committee |
Chair: Kirk Bevan, MAUT VP Finance (Engineering) | kirk.bevan [at] mcgill.ca |
Nate Quitoriano, MAUT President (Engineering) | nate.quitoriano [at] mcgill.ca |
Steve Jordan, MAUT President-Elect (Education) | steven.jordan [at] mcgill.ca |
Peter Grutter, MAUT Past-President (Science) | peter.grutter [at] mcgill.ca |
Andrew Kirk (Engineering) | andrew.kirk [at] mcgill.ca |
John Galbraith (Arts) | john.galbraith [at] mcgill.ca |
Membership Committee
Purpose: The Membership Committee, in conjunction with Council, develops effective short and long term Membership recruitment, retention and engagement strategies and activities for the Association, and implements them. Activities include but are not limited to:
- Developing, proposing and coordinating at least two Membership social events or other activities in each academic year
- Monitoring demographic aspects of MAUT members and eligible non members
- Devising targeted communication campaigns: letters, pamphlets, emails, advertisements, etc.
Composition: Chair and a minimum of two additional members
Membership Committee |
Chair: Caroline Marchionni (School of Nursing) | caroline.marchionni [at] mcgill.ca |
Ken Hastings (Medicine and Health Sciences) | ken.hastings [at] mcgill.ca |
Thavy Long (AES) | thavy.long [at] mcgill.ca |
Eran Shor (Arts) | eran.shor [at] mcgill.ca |
Gerbern Oegema (Arts) | gerbern.oegema [at] mcgill.ca |
Svetlana Kochkina (Library) | svetlana.kochkina [at] mcgill.ca |
Nominating Committee (TBD fall 2024)
Purpose: The Nominating Committee solicits nominations for positions of officer and Council member from Council and the General Membership. Activities include but are not limited to:
- Soliciting nominations
- Organizing elections and by-elections
- Ensuring a fair election process in accordance with Article VIII of the MAUT Constitution
- Authenticating and reporting election results to Council and at the Spring General Election
- Informing Council at the first Council meeting in February, and then the General Membership, of any positions for which it has not yet received nominations
- Making efforts to ensure that all nominations are filled no later than March 1st so that elections can take place at least 15 calendar days before the Spring General Meeting
Composition: Chair (immediate Past President – Council to appoint another Past President if immediate Past President is unable to serve) and a minimum of two additional members
Nominating Committee 2024-2025 |
Chair: Peter Grutter, MAUT Past-President (Science) | peter.grutter [at] mcgill.ca |
Andrew Kirk (Engineering) | andrew.kirk [at] mcgill.ca |
Ipek Tureli (Engineering) | ipek.turelli [at] mcgill.ca |
Steve Jordan (Education) | steven.jordan [at] mcgill.ca |
Andrea Farran (Arts) | andrea.farran [at] mcgill.ca |
Julia Freeman | julia.freeman [at] mcgill.ca |
Non-Discrimination Committee
Purpose: The Non-Discrimination Committee engages in activities that promote a non-discriminatory environment at the University with respect to gender, age, disabilities and minority categories. Activities include but are not limited to:
- Monitoring University policies and regulations and their implementation with regard to non-discrimination and if necessary, proposing actions to Council
- Organizing educational workshops on non-discrimination and other activities to promote non-discrimination, equity and diversity
- Serving as a resource for members regarding discrimination issues
- Maintaining an ongoing liaison between MAUT, the Social Equity and Diversity Education Office (SEDE), and in relevant matters, with external organizations of which MAUT is a member
Composition: Chair and a minimum of two additional members
Non-Discrimination Committee |
Chair: Andrea Farran (Arts) | andrea.farran [at] mcgill.ca |
Ada Sinacore (Education) | ada.sinacore [at] mcgill.ca |
Raja Sengupta (Science) | raja.sengupta [at] mcgill.ca |
Narendra Subramanian (Arts) | narendra.subramanian [at] mcgill.ca |
Promotion Mentoring Committee
Purpose: The Promotion Mentoring Committee helps to mentor Members for promotion to the rank of Full Professor/Librarian. Activities include but are not limited to:
Helping Members create and build the promotion portfolio.
Explaining the different ways in which promotion may be sought at McGill University.
Identifying the gaps in promotional paths, obstacles faced by faculty and procedural ambiguities, which could be brought to the administration’s attention.
Outlining the specific procedures and timelines for promotion to Full Professor/Librarian.
Organizing and presenting an annual promotion workshop (January/February) where attendees may get feedback on their promotion portfolio and information topically tailored (panel, workshop, and discussion).
Composition: Chair and a minimum of two additional members. All members (including the Chair) of the Promotion Mentoring Committee must be or must have been Full Professors/Librarians
Promotion Mentoring Committee | |||
Chair: Jelena Ristic, VP External (Science) | jelena.ristic [at] mcgill.ca | ||
Andrew Kirk (Engineering) | andrew.kirk [at] mcigill.ca | ||
Frank Ferrie (Engineering) | frank.ferrie [at] mcgill.ca |
MAUT Staff Remuneration Committee
Purpose: The MAUT Staff Remuneration Committee determines remuneration, including any annual salary increases, for MAUT staff. The Committee meets annually in the fall term.
Composition: Chair (President), Immediate Past President, President-Elect, and VP Finance
Remuneration Committee |
Chair: Nate Quitoriano, MAUT President (Engineering) | nate.quitoriano [at] mcgill.ca |
Steve Jordan, MAUT President-Elect (Education) | steven.jordan [at] mcgill.ca |
Peter Grutter, MAUT Past-President (Science) | peter.grutter [at] mcgill.ca |
Kirk Bevan, VP Finance (Engineering) | kirk.bevan [at] mcgill.ca |
Retiree Affairs Committee
Purpose: The Retiree Affairs Committee makes recommendations to Council regarding interests or concerns of MAUT Retired Members, and creates opportunities for them to engage in social, recreational and educational activities to foster their continued engagement in the community. Activities include but are not limited to:
- Monitoring and making recommendations related to health and other benefits of MAUT Retired Members, including privileges provided by McGill. Organizing social activities for MAUT Retired Members both within and outside the University
Composition: Chair (the elected representative of the MAUT Retired Members) and a minimum of two additional MAUT Retired Members
Retiree Affairs Committee |
Chair: Frank P. Ferrie, Professor Emeritus (Engineering) | frank.ferriebruce.m.shore [at] mcgill.ca (@mcgill.ca) |
Nick Acheson (Medicine and Health Sciences) | nicholas.acheson [at] mcgill.ca |
Johanne (Jodie) Hebert (Libraries) | jodie.hebert [at] mcgill.ca |
Catherine LeGrand (Arts) | catherine.legrand [at] mcgill.ca |
Juan Vera (Engineering) | juan.vera [at] mcgill.ca |
Grazyna Wilczek (Science) | grazyna.wilczek [at] mcgill.ca |
Julia Scott (Management) | julia.scott [at] mcgill.ca |
Tenure and Mentoring Committee
Purpose: The Tenure and Mentoring Committee provides MAUT members support and guidance regarding the reappointment, tenure and promotion processes and engages in, documents, and presents professional activities that will assist faculty in their career advancement. Activities include but are not limited to:
- Disseminating information about successful mentoring models at McGill
- Organizing annual workshops for new faculty and chairs on tenure mentoring
- Encouraging departmental help in establishing formal and informal mentoring
- Alerting MAUT members about responsibilities regarding the preparation of the tenure dossier
- Identifying/introducing advisors to MAUT members who can assist in the preparation of the tenure and promotion dossiers
Composition: Chair and a minimum of two additional members
Tenure and Mentoring Committee |
Chair: Andrew Kirk, (Engineering) | andrew.kirk [at] mcgill.ca |
Kristine Onishi (Science) | kris.onishi [at] mcgill.ca |
Gloria Tannenbaum (Medicine and Health Sciences) | gloria.tannenbaum [at] mcgill.ca |
Peter Grutter (Science) | peter.grutter [at] mcgill.ca |
Marie-Helene Boudrias (Medicine and Health Sciences) | mh.boudrias [at] mcgill.ca |