Speak to your Internships Administrator

EDGC Internship Planner - Summary

Student Preparation Timeline for EDGC 398 Winter and Summer Internship

TABLE - WINTER Internship Prep Timeline

TABLE - SUMMER Internship Prep Timeline

INFOGRAPHICĀ  - WINTER and SUMMER Internship Prep Timeline


Summary of Steps for Planning and Securing the Internship

  1. Book an appointment with the B.A.(Education) Internships AdministratorĀ to discuss curated internship opportunities and your interestsĀ to focus your search.
  2. U2 students attend the Internship Info Session during EDGC 299 in early September.
  3. AttendĀ the annualĀ B.A.(Education) Internship Expo in early October.
  4. Register for the EDGC 398 - Internship course during the Winter or Summer course registration periods.
  5. Use the Planning Your Internship WorksheetĀ to organize your search and have quick access to tools, databases, job search trackers, etc.
  6. Use the ISA Internship Leads Database to access up-to-date contact info for public and non-profit organizations that have relationships with McGill.
  7. Refer to theĀ Intro Email Template to EmployersĀ to help you write your intro email to prospective Host Organizations
  8. Share the Employer Flyer - B.A.(Education) in your intro emails to provide context about the program andĀ employer benefits & expectations
  9. Use the Job Search Tracker to document your progress.
  10. Use the Internship Design Form for each placement prospect to design your internship experience and ensure it meets the criteria mentioned in the above section.
  11. Once you have found your internship placement, complete and submit the Internship Proposal Form for approval from the ISA Office. Allow 3- 5 working days for a response from the Internships Administrator.
  12. International Students who expect to work in Canada should apply for their Co-op/Work Permit at least 4-6 months before your proposed internship start date.Ā B.A.(Education) studentsĀ receive information about Co-op/Work Permits upon admission andĀ receive a attestation letter from ISA Office.
  13. Once your Internship Proposal is approved, work with your internship Site Supervisor to complete and sign the Internship Agreement & Learning Plan. Submit the signed document to the B.A.(Education) Internships Administrator latest two weeks after your internship start date.Ā If Internship proposal is not approved, student should book an appointment with the Internships Administrator to discuss which internship criteria was not met and how this can be resolved.
  14. Check your McGill email for the Internship Pulse Check bulletins and the In Context B.A.(Education) newsletter for updates, reminders and internship tips.
  15. Complete theĀ Preparing For Your InternshipĀ course on myCourses and attend (remote or in-person) the Intern Positionality training.
  16. During your 150 hour internship, check myCourses to access the EDGC 398 Reflection Journals which help you make meaning out of your internship experience.
  17. Fill out and submit the Student Reflection and Self-AssessmentĀ Form by the last day of your internship
  18. Ensure your Site Supervisor completes and submits the Employer Student Assessment Form by the last day of your internship and latest before the grading deadline (i.e. third week of April and August).
  19. Submit internship photos,Ā videos of your internship experience, and any signed consent formsĀ to the Internships Administrator (internships.edgc [at] mcgill.ca)

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