Harassment, Discrimination & Sexual Violence

Reach out to McGill's Office for Mediation and Reporting (OMR) to file a formal report of discrimination, harassment, or sexual violence; learn about policies and processes; or be connected to additional supports.

Support for Students

Local Wellness Advisors

Website: mcgill.ca/wellness-hub/get-support/local-wellness-advisors

Local Wellness Advisors (LWAs) are trained clinicians who are here to orient and connect you with the appropriate resource for your unique situation - think of them like an academic advisor, but for your well-being.

By Fall 2019, there will be 12 LWAs in place across McGill's faculties.


Website: ssmu.mcgill.ca/nightline/
Telephone: 514-398-6246
Hours: 7 days a week, 6pm-3am

A confidential, anonymous and non-judgmental listening service, run by McGill students. Services include active listening, resource referrals and crisis management.

Office of the Ombudsperson for Students

Website: https://www.mcgill.ca/ombudsperson/
Phone: 514-398-7059
Email: ombudsperson [at] mcgill.ca

Confidential, informal, independent, and impartial dispute resolution services for all members of the student community.

The Ombudsperson:

  • Provides information on University regulations, policies, and procedures;
  • Assists in identifying and evaluating options for resolving and managing conflicts and provides help in pursuing those options;
  • Refers students to appropriate persons in order to resolve problems; and
  • Acts as a facilitator between students and other members of the University community.

Office for Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education (OSVRSE)

Website: mcgill.ca/osvrse/
Telephone: 514-398-3954
Sexual Violence Response Advisor: 514-398-4486
Sexual Violence Education Advisor: 514-398-3786
Email: osvrse [at] mcgill.ca 

Confidential, non-judgmental and non-directional support and education for students, faculty and staff of all genders who have been impacted by sexual violence.

OSVRSE Off-Campus Resource List

Website: mcgill.ca/osvrse/survivors/additional-resources/off

A comprehensive list of off-campus support and informational resources developed and maintained by the Office for Sexual Violence Response, Support, and Education (OSVRSE).

Peer Support Centre

Website: psc.ssmu.ca/
Telephone: 514-398-3782
Email: mcgill.psc [at] gmail.com

Provides free, confidential drop-in space offering non-judgmental peer support, information, and referrals to the McGill community. Facilitates and encourages communication so that students feel empowered to resolve whatever they may be going through.

Report Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Violence

Website: mcgill.ca/how-to-report/

A website dedicated to making reporting at McGill more transparent, straightforward, and accessible for our entire community, including students, faculty and staff.


Website: sacomss.org/wp/services/drop-in-and-line/
Telephone: 514-398-8500
Hours: Monday-Friday, 12pm-midnight (updated weekly hours can be found on the SACOMSS homepage)
Language: English

DIAL is a confidential, non-judgmental sexual assault helpline and drop-in service, providing listening and support to survivors, their peers, and their allies.

DIAL is open to the public and free-of-charge.

Security Services (Downtown Campus)

Website: mcgill.ca/security
Emergency: 514-398-3000
General Inquiries: 514-398-4556
Security Operations Centre (24/7): 514-398–4556 (option 1)
Email: campus.security [at] mcgill.ca

Services includes support, guidance, prevention and response.

Security Services (Macdonald Campus)

Website: mcgill.ca/security
Emergency: 514-398-7777
General Inquiries: 514-398-4556
Security Operations Centre (24/7): 514-398-7770
Email: macdonald.security [at] mcgill.ca

Services includes support, guidance, prevention and response.

Sexual Assault Centre of the McGill Students' Society (SACOMSS)

Website: sacomss.org/wp/
Telephone: (514) 398-8500
Email: main [at] sacomss.org

A student-run organization committed to supporting survivors of sexual assault and their allies through direct support, advocacy, and outreach.

Student Wellness Hub (includes mental health and physical health services)

Website: mcgill.ca/wellness-hub/
Telephone: 514-398-6017

Your place for all things health and wellness. Learn how to access urgent care, get support, and book an appointment with a medical professional, including:

  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Dieticians
  • Counsellors
  • Psychiatrists


Website: walksafe.ca
Telephone: 514-398-2498

A volunteer SSMU service that provides free night-time accompaniment for those who feel uncomfortable, or who are unable to walk home alone.

Support for Staff

Employee and Family Assistance Program

Website: mcgill.ca/hr/benefits/eap 
Telephone: 1-844-880-9142

A free and confidential service offering short-term counseling and referral services.


Website: ssmu.mcgill.ca/nightline/
Telephone: 514-398-6246

A confidential, anonymous and non-judgmental listening service, run by McGill students. Services include active listening, resource referrals and crisis management.

Office for Sexual Violence Response, Support & Education (OSVRSE)

Website: mcgill.ca/osvrse/
Telephone: 514-398-3954
Sexual Violence Response Advisor: 514-398-4486
Sexual Violence Education Advisor: 514-398-3786
Email: osvrse [at] mcgill.ca

Confidential, non-judgmental and non-directional support and education for students, faculty and staff of all genders who have been impacted by sexual violence.

OSVRSE Off-Campus Resource List

Website: mcgill.ca/osvrse/survivors/additional-resources/off

A comprehensive list of off-campus support and informational resources developed and maintained by the Office for Sexual Violence Response, Support, and Education (OSVRSE).

Report Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Violence

Website: mcgill.ca/how-to-report/

A website dedicated to making reporting at McGill more transparent, straightforward, and accessible for our entire community, including students, faculty and staff.


Website: sacomss.org/wp/services/drop-in-and-line/
Telephone: 514-398-8500
Hours: Monday-Friday, 12pm-midnight (updated weekly hours can be found on the SACOMSS homepage)
Language: English

DIAL is a confidential, non-judgmental sexual assault helpline and drop-in service, providing listening and support to survivors, their peers, and their allies.

DIAL is open to the public and free-of-charge.

Security Services (Downtown Campus)

Website: mcgill.ca/security
Emergency: 514-398-3000
General Inquiries: 514-398-4556
Security Operations Centre (24/7): 514-398–4556 (option 1)
Email: campus.security [at] mcgill.ca

Services includes support, guidance, prevention and response.

Security Services (Macdonald Campus)

Website: mcgill.ca/security
Emergency: 514-398-7777
General Inquiries: 514-398-4556
Security Operations Centre (24/7): 514-398-7770
Email: macdonald.security [at] mcgill.ca

Services includes support, guidance, prevention and response.

McGill University is on land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. We acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous peoples whose presence marks this territory on which peoples of the world now gather.

For more information about traditional territory and tips on how to make a land acknowledgement, visit our Land Acknowledgement webpage.

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