Research Highlights

Research Highlights

McGill Economics Research Highlights

Research highlights of new publications, working papers, books, new grants, or other research-related material.

Hervé Robert Horner published "Bohemia and Bourgeoisie in the Literary Industry: The Social Networks of Authors and the Rise of Digital Publishing". (January 2025)

A research team with Claire Boone, led by Katherine Baicker, was awarded a National Institutes of Health Grant of USD $1.4 million for the project HEARTSPOT: Evaluating a Machine Learning System to Aid Decision-Making in the Emergency Department for Patients with ADRD.

Tadeja Gracner, Claire Boone, and Paul Gertler published "Exposure to sugar rationing in the first 1000 days of life protected against chronic disease", Science. (Published online October 31, 2024). Media coverage by the New York Times.

Rohan Dutta published "Bargaining as a Struggle Between Competing Attempts at Commitment", Review of Economic Studies, vol. 91, no. 5, pp. 2771–2805. (October 2024)

Katherine A. Ahrens, Teresa Janevic, Erin Strumpf, et al published "Paid Family Leave and Prevention of Acute Respiratory Infections in Young Infants", JAMA Paediatrics. (Published online August 26, 2024)

Francesco Amodio, Giorgio Chiovelli and Sebastian Hohmann published "The Employment Effects of Ethnic Politics", American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol. 116, no. 2, pp. 456-91. (April 2024)

Charles Gottlieb, Cheryl Doss, Douglas Gollin and Markus Poschke have a new working paper entitled "The Gender Division of Work Across Countries". (April 2024)

Santiago Camara, Lawrence Christiano and Husnu Dalgic have a new working paper entitled "The International Monetary Transmission Mechanism". (April 2024)

Nathaniel Baum-Snow, Nicolas Gendron-Carrier and Ronni Pavan published Local Productivity Spillovers, American Economic Review, vol. 114, no. 4, pp. 1030-69. (April 2024)

Sonia Laszlo, Muhammad Farhan Majid and Laëtitia Renée published "Conditional cash transfers and women's reproductive choices", Health Economics, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 456-91. (February 2024)

An international research team led by Francesco Amodio was awarded a SSHRC Insight Grant of $147,838 for the project on Labor Market Power, Industrial Development and Economic Growth.

Tiffanie Perrault, Emmanuelle Auriol and Alice Mesnard published "Weeding out the dealers? The economics of cannabis legalization", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 216, 62-101. (December 2023)

Tiffanie Perrault, Emmanuelle Auriol and Alice Mesnard published "Temporary foreign work permits: Honing the tools to defeat human smuggling", European Economic Review, vol. 160, 62-101. (November 2023)

Daniel Barczyk, Sean Fahle and Matthias Kredler published "Save, Spend or Give? A Model of Housing, Family Insurance, and Savings in Old Age", Review of Economic Studies, vol. 90, issue 5, 2116-2187. (October 2023)

Stephen Jones, Fabian Lange, Craig Riddell and Casey Warman published "The great Canadian recovery: The impact of COVID-19 on Canada's labour market", Canadian Journal of Economics, vol 56, no. 3. (August 2023)

Daniel Barczyk received a Horizon Europe Grant ($478,944) for 2023-2026 from the European Commission investigating the future of the baby boomers and their children.

Mahmut Ablay and Fabian Lange published "Approaches to learn about employer learning”, Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 56, no. 2. (May 2023)

Matthieu Chemin published "The Supreme Court Needs the Judicial Reforms We Champion for Everyone Else", Scientific American. (May 2023)

David Bounie, Youssouf Camara and John W. Galbraith published "Consumers' Mobility, Expenditure and Online-Offline Substitution Response to COVID-19: Evidence from French Transaction Data", Ungated, European Economic Review. (January 2023)

Eliza Forsythe, Lisa Kahn, Fabian Lange and David Wiczer published "Where have all the workers gone? Recalls, retirements, and reallocation in the COVID recovery”, Labour Economics, vol. 78, article 102251. (October 2022)

‪Kaywana Raeburn, Sonia Laszlo and Jim Engle-Warnick published "Resolving ambiguity as a public good: Experimental evidence from Guyana", Theory and Decision. (October 2022)

Francesco Amodio, Pamela Medina and Monica Morlacco have a new CEPR Working Paper entitled "Labor Market Power, Self-employment and Development". (September 2022)

Francesco Amodio received a "Structural Transformation and Economic Growth" (STEG) grant for a project entitled: “FDI, Labor Market Power, and Structural Transformation” (with H. Pham and M. Sanfilippo). (June 2022)

Leonie Baumann received an FRQSC research grant ($45,000 CA) to support new academics. The project title is Preuves stochastiques dans les reseaux sociaux competitifs / Stochastic evidence in competitive network. (June 2022)

A research team on “Inequality” led by Markus Poschke was awarded a new FRQSC Research Team Grant of $240,000. Team members are Rui Castro, Nicolas Gendron-CarrierFabian Lange, Raquel Fonseca (UQAM) Joao Galindo da Fonseca, Baris Kaymak and Immo Schott (Université de Montréal). (June 2022)

Erin C. Strumpf (Health theme) and Markus Poschke (Inequality and poverty theme) were appointed by Cirano as new principal investigators who will be in charge of leading research in two of CIRANO's major research themes. (June 2022)

Erin C. Strumpf, Laurie J. Goldsmith, Caroline E. King, Ruth Lavergne, Rita McCracken, Kimberlyn M. McGrail and Leora Simon published "Measuring Access to and Quality of Primary Care in Quebec: Insights from Research on Patient Enrolment Policies", Cirano. (June 2022)

Gaurab Aryal, Manudeep Bhuller and Fabian Lange published "Signaling and Employer Learning with Instruments", American Economic Review, Vol. 112, Issue 5. (May 2022)

Robert Goulden, Brian H. Rowe, Michal Abrahamowicz, Erin Strumpf and Robyn Tamblyn published "Association of intravenous contrast with renal function: a regression discontinuity analysis", JAMA Internal Medicine, online first. (April 2022)

Gerard van der Meijden, Cees Withagen and Hassan Benchekroun published "An Oligopoly-Fringe Model with HARA Preferences", Dynamic Games and Applications, 1-23. (March 2022)

Jennifer A. Hutcheon, Erin C. Strumpf, Jessica Liauw, M. Amanda Skoll, Peter Socha, Myriam Srour, Joseph Y. Ting and Sam Harper published "Antenatal corticosteroid administration and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in childhood: a regression discontinuity study", CMAJ, 194 (7) E235-E241. (February 2022)

Rohan Dutta, David K. Levine and Salvatore Modica published "Interventions with Sticky Social Norms: A Critique", Journal of European Economic Association. (February 2022)

Nicolas Gendron-Carrier, Marco Gonzalez-Navarro, Stefano Polloni and Matthew Turner published "Subways and Urban Air Pollution", UngatedAmerican Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Volume 14, No. 1. (January 2022)

Erin C. Strumpf, Nichole Austin, Ariella Lang, Shelley Derksen, James Bolton, Marni Brownell, Patricia Gregory, Dan Chateau and Maureen Heaman published "The effects of early pregnancy loss on health outcomes and health care utilization and costs", HSR. (January 2022)

Miao Dai, Hassan Benchekroun and Ngo Van Long published "On the profitability of cross-ownership in Cournot nonrenewable resource oligopolies: Stock size matters", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 111, 102597. (January 2022)

Daniel Barczyk and Matthias Kredler published "Blast from the past: The altruism model is richer than you think", Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 198. (December 2021)

Francesco Amodio and Miguel A. Martinez-Carrasco published "Workplace Incentives and Organizational Learning", forthcoming, Journal of Labor Economics, Podcast. (December 2021)

Leah Brooks, Nicolas Gendron-Carrier and Gisela Rua published "The Local Impact of Containerization", UngatedJournal of Urban Economics, Volume 126. (November 2021)

Gino Boily, Aude-Christine Guédon, Kossi Thomas Golo, Samia Qureshi, Camille Lehuédé and Erin Strumpf published "Création et caractérisation d’une cohorte québécoise de patients atteints d’un cancer du poumon à l’aide de données clinico-administratives, État de pratiques: Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux", INESSS, Québec, 152p. (October 2021)

Adam Aberra and Matthieu Chemin published "Does legal representation increase investment? Evidence from a field experiment in Kenya", Ungated Journal of Development Economics. (May 2021)

Erin Strumpf received a grant ($371,971 CAD) "Project Grant from Canadian Institutes of Health Research" (CIHR), Project: Making the most of Canada's "natural laboratory": advancing difference-in-differences methods for unpoolable data. (March 2021)

Matthieu Chemin received a research grant ($272,713 USD) "Innovations for Poverty Action". (2021)

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