Catherine Michaud-Leclerc (Laval University), "Health Knowledge and the Impact of Restricted Internet Access in Adolescence"
Yu Kyung Koh (McGill University), "Gender Wage Gap and Household Consumption in the US: Evidence from Scanner Data"
Centre for Population Dynamics Seminars: Jane Cooley Fruehwirth (University of North Carolina), “College student mental health during the pandemic: the effects of stressors, psychosocial supports and social media use"
Nicholas Tsivanidis (UC Berkeley), "Spatial Spillovers from High-Rise Developments: Evidence from the Mumbai Mills"
Endong Wang (McGill University), "Simple Robust Two-Stage Estimation and Inference for Generalized Impulse Responses and Multi-Horizon Causality"
Centre for Population Dynamics Seminars: Michael Lovenheim (Cornell University), "The Returns to College Major Choice: Average and Distributional Effects, Career Trajectories, and Earnings Variability"
Jeffrey Smith (University of Wisconsin-Madison), “Quantifying Non-Sampling Variation: College Quality and the Garden of Forking Paths"
Wenmei Tu (McGill University), "The Impact of Coal Ban Policy on Sleep Patterns in Rural China"
Centre for Population Dynamics Seminars: Philip Oreopoulos (University of Toronto), "Teaching Teachers to Use Computer Assisted Learning for Facilitating Personalized Learning at Scale: Experimental and Non-Experimental Evidence"
Hannes Malmberg (University of Minnesota), “Missing Middle Managers: Labor Costs, Firm Structure, and Development”
Montreal Econometrics Seminar: Valentin Verdier (University of North Carolina), "Regularization from Economic Constraints: A New Estimator for Marginal Emissions"
Markus Poschke (McGill University), "Labor Force Transitions"
Garima Sharma (Princetown University/Northwestern University), "Monopsony and Gender"
Santiago Saavedra (Universidad del Rosario), "Digging for Votes: Machine-Learning Detection of Illegal Mining and Its Effects on Political Outcomes"
Phil Oreopoulos (University of Toronto): “Teaching Teachers to Use Computer Assisted Learning for Facilitating Personalized Learning at Scale: Experimental and Non-Experimental Evidence"
Miao Dai (Center for environmental economics - Montpellier), "On the Impact of Cross-ownership in a Common Property Renewable Resource Oligopoly"
CANCELLED: Yusufcan Masatlioglu (University of Maryland), "Weighted Linear Discrete Choice"
Greg Veramendi (University of London), "Complementarities in High School and College Investments"
Fan Yang (McGill University), “Population Aging and Optimal Fiscal Progressivity”
Giammario Impullitti (University of Nottingham), "Market Power, Growth and Inequality"
Mahmut Ablay (McGill University), "Firm pay dynamics and their implications for gender earnings inequality"
Pascual Restrepo (Boston University), "Optimal Gradualism"
Marta Lachowska (W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research), "The Impact of Firms on the Relative Pay of Women Across Countries"
Montreal Econometrics Seminar: Guillaume Pouliot (University of Chicago), "An Exact t-Test"
Yang Ning (McGill University), "More Powerful Difference-in-Difference"
CIREQ-SGI Lecture on Economics of the Environment
Rick van der Ploeg (University of Oxford), “Pricing in Transition and Physical Risks: Carbon Premiums and Stranded Assets“
Thomas Kokossou (McGill University), “Fast Mobile Internet and Local Economic Development: Evidence from Ecuador”
Aranya Chakraborty (Ahmedabad University), "Lessons from the Past: How Experience Reduces the Impact of Weather Shocks on Ugandan Smallholders"
Guy Arnold Djolaud (McGill University), "The Great Recession: Does Labour Market Concentration Play a Role in Earning Inequality?"
Endong Wang (McGill University), "Counterfactual Analysis in Macroeconomics: Theory and Inference"
Francesco Amodio (McGill University), "Beefing Up: Commodity Exports to China and Production Network Spillovers"
Thomas Kokossou (McGill University), "Fast Mobile Internet and Local Economic Development: Evidence from Ecuador"
Émilien Gouin-Bonenfant (Columbia University), "Follow the Money: Distribution of Capital Income During Booms"
CANCELLED: Santiago Camara (McGill University), "The Role of Collateral Heterogeneity in the Transmission of US Monetary Policy Shocks''
Alexandre Gaillard (Brown University), "Consumption, Wealth, and Income Inequality: A Tale of Tails"
Sébastien Montpetit (University of Warwick), "A Welfare Analysis of Universal Childcare: Lessons From a Canadian Reform"
CANCELLED: Santiago Camara (McGill University), "The Role of Collateral Heterogeneity in the Transmission of US Monetary Policy Shocks''
Montreal Econometrics Seminar: Shakeeb Khan (Boston College), "Inference on High Dimensional Selective Labeling Models"
Kefan Chen (McGill University), "Growth Targets and Firm Distortions in China"
Yusufcan Masatlioglu (University of Maryland), “Coherent Distorted Beliefs”
Giacomo De Giorgi (University of Geneva), "Farming, Non-Farm Enterprises, and Migration with Incomplete Markets"
Mayara Felix (Yale University), Title TBA
Guillaume Blanc (University of Manchester), Title TBA
Cristobal Otero (Columbia Business School), "Managers and Public Hospital Performance"
Gabriel Rodriguez Rondon (McGill University), Title TBA
Alain-Philippe Fortin (Université de Montréal), Title TBA
Cevat Aksoy (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; King’s College London), Title TBA
Carolina Arteaga (University of Toronto), Title TBA
Transatlantic Political Economy Conference (T-PEC)
Nicolás de Roux (Universidad de los Andes), Title TBA
Milena Djourelova (Cornell University), Title TBA
Davidson Distinguished Lecture in Econometrics with Prof. Serena Ng
Masaya Takano (Monash University), Title TBA
Garance Genicot (Georgetown University), Title TBA
Julian di Giovanni (Federal Reserve Bank of New York), Title TBA
Endong Wang (McGill University), Title TBA
Itai Arieli (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology), Title TBA
Inequality Series: Hugo Lhuillier (University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics), Title TBA
Licun Xue (McGill University), Title TBA
Evan Soltas (Microsoft Research), Title TBA
Raphaël Langevin (McGill University), Title TBA
Chaoran Chen (York University), Title TBA
Yang Ning (McGill University), Title TBA
Basit Zafar (University of Michigan), Title TBA
Guy Arnold Djolaud (McGill University), Title TBA
Leila Agha (Harvard University), Title TBA
Chris Muris (McMaster University), Title TBA
Tasso Adampoulos (York University), Title TBA
Jean-Félix Brouillette (HEC Montréal), Title TBA
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