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- Auger, N., Bilodeau-Bertrand, M., Costopoulos, A. (2019). Emerging Lingo-Cultural Inequality in Infant Autopsy in Quebec, Canada. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 21(2), 230-236
Auger, N., Lemieux, L., Bilodeau-Bertrand, M., Barry, A. D., & Costopoulos, A. (n.d.) (2018). Quantile regression analysis of language and interpregnancy interval in Quebec, Canada. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada-Research Policy and Practice, 38(5), 200-209
Ernest, L., Mai Thanh, T., Normand, T., Auger, N., (2018). Linguistic mortality gradients in Quebec and the role of migrant composition, Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2018, Volume 109, Number 1, Page 15
Vang, Z. M., Gagnon, R., Lee, T., Jimenez, V., Navickas, A., Pelletier, J., & Shenker, H. (2018). Interactions Between Indigenous Women Awaiting Childbirth Away From Home and Their Southern, Non-Indigenous Health Care Providers. Qualitative Health Research, 28(12), 1858–1870.
Tu M.T., Bilodeau-Bertrand M et Auger, N. (2018). Portrait de la prématurité et des naissances ayant un faible poids pour l’âge gestationnel selon la communauté linguistique au Québec,1989 à 2010. Institut national de santé publique du Québec.
Auger, N., Bilodeau-Bertrand, M., Costopoulos, A. (2017). Identifying emerging reproductive vulnerability: an approach to decompose differences in total fertility, Annals of Epidemiology 27(2):89-95
Lapointe, S., French, L., & Beaulieu, S. (2016, September). Subordination: Exploring how L1 and L2 speakers talk around difficult topics. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Second Language Research Forum. New York, NY.
- Ryder, A. G., Doucerain, M. M., Dere, J., Jurick, T., Zhou, B., & Zhou, X. (in press). On dynamic contexts and unstable categories: Steps towards a cultural-clinical psychology. For M. Gelfand, C.-Y. Chiu, & Y.-Y. Hong (Eds), Advances in culture and psychology (vol. 8). Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
Health Communication
Doucerain, M., Segalowitz, N., & Ryder, A. G. (in press). Acculturation Measurement: From Simple Proxies to Sophisticated Toolkit. In S. Schwartz, & J. Unger (Eds.), Oxford handbook of acculturation and health. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press. Published online before print.
Doucerain, M., Vargas, S., & Ryder, A. G. (in press). Mixed-methods research: Integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches to the psychological study of culture. In N. Zane, G. Bernal, & F. Leong (Eds.), Culturally-informed evidence-based practice for ethnic minorities: Challenges and solutions. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
French, L. M., & Lapointe, S. (forthcoming book chapter). Creating and exploring spoken corpora of health communication for second-language training purposes. In L. Pickering, E. Friginal, & S. Staples (Eds.), Talking at work: Corpus-based explorations of workplace discourse. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Segalowitz, N., Doucerain, M., Zhao, Y., Hocking, J., Ryder, A. G. (2016). Comprehending Adverbs of Doubt and Certainty in Health Communication: A Multidimensional Scaling Approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 558.
Health Inequalities
Auger, N., Bilodeau-Bertrand, M., Costopoulos, A. (2016). Language and infant mortality in a large Canadian province. Public Health, Volume 139, Pages 154-160
Burrows, S., Auger, N., & Lo, E. (2016). Language and unintentional injury mortality in Quebec, Canada. Injury Prevention, 22(1), 72.
Auger, N., Tiandrazana, R., Healy-Profitós, J., MPH, & Costopoulos, A., PhD. (2016). Inequality in fetal autopsy in Canada. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 27(3), 1384-1396.
Auger, N., Costopoulos, A. , Naimi, A. I., Bellingeri, F. , Vecchiato, L. and Fraser, W. D. (2016), Comparison of stillbirth rates by cause among Haitians and non‐Haitians in Canada. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 134: 315-319.
Auger N, Bilodeau-Bertrand M, Martinez J. (in press). Portrait de la prématurité et des naissances ayant un faible poids pour l’âge gestationnel selon la communauté linguistique au Québec, 1989- 2010 [Report].
Auger N, Costopoulos C, Naimi AI, Bellingeri F, Vecchiato L, Fraser WD (in press). Obstetric emergencies and inequality in stillbirth for Haitians in Canada. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics.
Falconer, James & Amélie Quesnel-Vallée (under review). Disparities in Self-Reported Health, Access to Health Care, Supplementary Health Insurance, and Unmet Healthcare Needs Among Official-Language Minorities in Québec. Canadian Journal of Public Health and Healthcare Policy
Auger, N., Daniel, M., Mortensen, L., Toa-lou, C., & Costopoulos, A. (2015). Stillbirth in an Anglophone minority of Canada. International Journal of Public Health, 60(3), 353-362.
Doucerain, M., Shiri Varnaamkhaasti, R., Segalowitz, N. S., & Ryder, A. G. (2015). Second language social networks and communication-relation acculturative stress: The role of interconnectedness. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1111.
Lessard, D. (2015). Des variations stylistiques courantes en français québécois des infirmières québécoises. Published on l2nursing.ca and soignerenl2.ca.
Health Communication
Williams, J., Segalowitz, N., & Leclair, T. (2014). Estimating second language productive vocabulary size: A Capture-Recapture approach. Mental Lexicon, 9(1), 23–47.
Health Inequalities
- Auger, N., Vecchiato, L., Naimi, A. I., Costopoulos, A., & Fraser, W. D. (2014). Stillbirth Rates among Haitians in Canada. Paediatric & Perinatal Epidemiology, 28(4), 333–337.
- Auger, N., Vecchiato, L., Naimi, A. I., Costopoulos, A., & Fraser, W. D. (2014). Stillbirth Rates among Haitians in Canada. Paediatric & Perinatal Epidemiology, 28(4), 333–337.
- Quesnel-Vallee, A. & Falconer, J. (2014). Accès aux Soins de Santé parmi les Minorités de Langue Officielle au Québec. Revue Recherches Sociographiques. vol. 55, n° 3, 2014, p. 511-529.
- 2014, Jarvis, G.E., Ahmed. R., Ryder, A., & Kirmayer, L.J. Assessing Language Barriers to Mental Health Services in a Multiethnic Population. Working Papers in Health Care Access for Linguistic Minorities (WP-HCALM).
- 2014, Jarvis, G.E. Realities and Myths of Linguistic Barriers in Health Care. Working Papers in Health Care Access for Linguistic Minorities.
- Auger N., Park A. L., Daniel M. (2013). Contribution of local area deprivation to cultural-linguistic inequalities in fetal growth restriction: Trends over time in a Canadian metropolitan centre, Health & Place, 22, 38-47.
- Auger, N., Harper, S., & Barry, A. D. (2013). Diverging socioeconomic inequality in life expectancy of francophones and anglophones in montréal, québec: Tobacco to blame? Journal of Public Health, 21(4), 317-324.
- Auger, N., Park, A. L., & Daniel, M. (2013). Contribution of local area deprivation to cultural-linguistic inequalities in foetal growth restriction: Trends over time in a canadian metropolitan centre. Health & Place, 22, 38-47.
- Burrows S, Auger N, Tamambang L, Barry AD. Suicide mortality gap between francophones and anglophones of Quebec, Canada. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2013;48(7):1125-32.
Health Communication
Williams, Joy (2012). An Alternative Approach to Measuring Second Language Productive Vocabulary Size: A Validation Study of the Capture-Recapture Methodology. Masters thesis, Concordia University. ID: 974816
Health Inequalities
Auger N, Harper S, Barry AD, Trempe N, Daniel M.(2012). Life expectancy gap between the francophone majority and anglophone minority of a Canadian population. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2012;27(1):27-38.
Auger, N., Park, AL., Harper S, (2012) Francophone and anglophone perinatal health: Temporal and regional inequalities in a Canadian setting, 1981-2008. International Journal of Public Health. 57(6):925-934.
Health Communication
Segalowitz, N., & Kehayia, E. (2011). Exploring the determinants of language barriers in health care (LBHC): Toward a research agenda for the language sciences. Canadian Modern Language Review, 67(4), 480-507.
Isaacs, T., Laurier, M. D., Turner, C. E., & Segalowitz, N. (2011). Identifying Second Language Speech Tasks and Ability Levels for Successful Nurse Oral Interaction with Patients in a Linguistic Minority Setting: An Instrument Development Project. Health Communication, 26, 560–570.
Language Technology
Walker, N. R., Cedergren, H., Trofimovich, P. & Gatbonton E. (2011). Automatic Speech Recognition for CALL: A Task-Specific Application for Training Nurses. Canadian Modern Language Review, 67(4), 459-479.
Walker, N. R., Trofimovich, P., Cedergren, H., & Gatbonton, E. (2011). Using ASR Technology in Language Training for Specific Purposes: A Perspective from Quebec, Canada. CALICO Journal, 28(3), 721-743.