Associate Professor of History and Phrixos B. Papachristidis Chair in Modern Greek Studies
Prof. Anastassiadis is a historian of European and Mediterranean interactions and transactions and study the emergence of different modernities, between the 18th and mid 20th centuries. He contributes to the Classical Studies programs by teaching courses on the history of Byzantium (HIST 362 Byzantine History and Historiography) and the modern construction of Antiquity (a history of the development of archeology as a modern discipline, classics as an element of European education and culture, and tourism as a mass cultural consumption practice: CLAS 404 Classical Tradition). He organizes the yearly course offereings in Modern Greek language and culture (e.g. CLAS 230, CLAS 331, etc.). He also organizes the McGill Summer Studies in Greece.
For Prof. Anastassiadis' complete profile, see his Department of History and Classical Studies webpage: here.
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McGill Summer Studies in Greece