The number of deaths involving commonly prescribed painkillers is higher than the number of deaths by overdose from heroin and cocaine combined, according to researchers at McGill University. In a first-of-its-kind review of existing research, the McGill team has put the spotlight on a major public health problem: the dramatic increase in deaths due to prescribed painkillers, which were involved in more than 16,000 deaths in 2010 in the U.S. alone. Currently, the U.S and Canada rank #1 and #2 in per capita opioid consumption.

Classified as: public policy, mortality, opioid-related deaths, overdose, painkiller, painkillers, presciption drugs, public health
Published on: 18 Jun 2014

Carleton University bestowed an honorary degree on McGill Principal and Vice-Chancellor Suzanne Fortier today to recognize her “outstanding leadership in the Canadian scientific community while fostering research opportunities for future generations of scholars.”

Classified as: Principal, Suzanne Fortier, Carleton University, honorary doctorate
Published on: 10 Jun 2014

By Katherine Gombay - News - June 10

Researchers from McGill and the U.S. Geological Survey, more used to measuring thawing permafrost than its expansion, have made a surprising discovery. There is new permafrost forming around Twelvemile Lake in the interior of Alaska. But they have also quickly concluded that, given the current rate of climate change, it won’t last beyond the end of this century.

Classified as: global warming, Research, Earth and Planetary Sciences, climate change, Jeffrey McKenzie, permafrost, Alaska, Arctic, Twelvemile Lake
Published on: 10 Jun 2014

By Cynthia Lee - News - June 8, 2014

Levels of a small molecule found only in humans and in other primates are lower in the brains of depressed individuals, according to researchers at McGill University and the Douglas Institute. This discovery may hold a key to improving treatment options for those who suffer from depression.

Classified as: brain, Douglas Institute, mental health, depression, suicide, Gustavo Turecki
Published on: 8 Jun 2014

As far back as the time of the dinosaurs, 66 million years ago, forests recovered from fires in the same manner they do today, according to a team of researchers from McGill University and the Royal Saskatchewan Museum.

Classified as: dinosaurs, Redpath Museum, Emily Bamforth, Forest fire, Hans Larsson, Royal Saskatchewan Museum
Published on: 5 Jun 2014

As more people move to urban areas, cities around the world are experiencing increased water stress and looking for additional water supplies to support their continued grow.

Classified as: water, cities, Gleeson, global database, Grill, groundwater, Lehner, Nature Conservancy, sources, water-stressed, watershed
Published on: 3 Jun 2014

Risk analysis finds savings for homeowners and local governments of excluding invasive pests like the emerald ash borer outweigh added cost to imported goods

Classified as: invasive species, beetles, brian leung, emerald ash borer, pests, trees
Published on: 28 May 2014


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