Join us on November 2 at noon for the next McGill Cares webcast to support informal caregivers./medsimcentreCategory: Dental medicine and oral health sciences...
The Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences organizes a Research Day event every year. This is an opportunity for undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs, and residents to...
The McGill Dentistry Graduate Student Society would like to invite you to the virtual screening of " Deeply rooted": A black family's history as 7th generation Canadians./dentistryCategory: Dental...
In line with the Faculty of Dentistry's EDI committee's efforts to create an inclusive environment, the RSBO AGORA group and MDGSS have organized a do/dentistryCategory: Dental medicine and oral...
The DSS Equity Committee would like to invite you to a FREE Introduction to Anti-Oppression workshop this Friday April 9th at 6pm/dentistryCategory: Dental medicine and oral health sciences
Infected and inflamed gums may result in higher rates of complications and more fatal outcomes for individuals diagnosed with the SARS-COV-2 virus, according to a new international study led by...