A smart city—supported by digital solutions to enhance food access and mobility—is a healthy city. That’s the thinking behind the Implementing Smart Cities Interventions to Build Healthy Cities ...
The current pandemic will change cities, experts predict, the way infectious disease outbreaks influenced the development of urban centres in decades past. McGill University urban planning...
Cities and their rising impacts on biodiversity versity. To gain a clearer picture of the situation, an international group of scientists, including Professor Andrew Gonzalez from McGill’s Biology...
How do the millions of people you never meet in the city put you at greater risk of psychosis? And does the built environment shape the social structure of the city in ways that impinge on illness...
The School of Urban Planning will host Adam Greenfield for a public lecture "Another city is possible: Practices of the minimum viable utopi815 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 0C2, CA...
The urban street network is one of the most permanent features of cities. Once laid down, the pattern of streets determines urban form and the level of sprawl for decades to come. In the U.S.,...
As more people move to urban areas, cities around the world are experiencing increased water stress and looking for additional water supplies to support their continued grow.