On October 18, we welcomed participants to the second annual in person meeting for the Treat Canada Project. Our project - Tailoring treatments for people with esophageal cancer, aims to understand what causes treatment resistance in esophageal cancer and identify new methods and treatment options for overcoming this resistance, ultimately improving outcomes and saving lives. The meeting was filled with discussion, presentations and strategic planning sessions focused on the project’s ongoing initiatives and future goals.
Victoria Anson, a fourth-year materials engineering student, won The Lord Bagri Scholarship, the highest award granted by The Copper Club. Endowed in honor of Lord Bagri, the longest serving chairman in the history of the London Metal Exchange, this competitive Canada-USA award recognizes an exceptional undergraduate or graduate student who has excelled in studies essential to the copper industry’s future.
Victoria Anson, a fourth-year Materials Engineering Co-op Program student, received the Lucy Rosato Undergraduate Scholarship in Science and Engineering at the 63rd Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2024) in Halifax. This is the highest undergraduate student award granted by the Hydrometallurgy Section of the Metallurgy and Materials Society (MetSoc) under the Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM).
New funding program launching for undergraduate students
Healthy Brains, Healthy Lives (HBHL) is pleased to announce the launch of the 2024 HBHL Undergraduate Summer Research Internship. Created in collaboration between HBHL and the HBHL Trainee Committee, this opportunity aims to include students at all levels in brain health research, providing McGill undergraduate students with a hands-on research experience.
Neha Dinesh, PhD student in the Reinhardt lab, won the Iozzo Trainee Award at the combined conference of the American Society for Matrix Biology, the American Society for Investigative Pathology, and the Histochemical Society held in Salt Lake City, Utah from Oct 22-25, 2023. The title of her contribution was “Fibronectin-Mediated Physiological and Pathological Mechanisms in Skeletal Development”. The Iozzo Trainee Award is given to a graduate student who has demonstrated outstanding contributions to the field of matrix biology and a continuing commitment to matrix biology research.
Fifty projects covering broad range of health research topics receive support
By Neale McDevitt, Editor, McGill Reporter
JANUARY 30, 2020
CIHR awarded 385 health research projects across the country totalling approximately $275 million. Fifty of the projects awarded research grants are led by McGill researchers.
Five members of the Yan P. Lin Centre and Research Group on Democracy, Space and Technology (RGDST) were one of 13 teams in the successful “Quality in Canada's Built Environment: Seeking Equity, Social Value and Sustainability” SSHRC Partnership Grant worth $2,500,000. This unprecedented grant will assure the collaboration of a total of 14 universities, 70 researchers and 68 public and private organizations from every level of government across the country.
Congratulations to Mohd Saqib, PhD candidate at the School of Information Studies, on receiving the prestigious Fonds de Recherche du Quebec; Nature et Technologies scholarship. The FRQNT scholarship is awarded on basis of research and academic merit.
A brief summary of his research:
Congratulations to Masters in Information Studies - Project student Connor Sin-Chan as a recipient of the SSHRC Canada Graduate Student - Masters scholarship!
Connor's research:
The Patterson Distinguished Service Medal is a prestigious award recognizing service to meteorology in Canada. Peter Yau is the 2022 winner of this award.
After a careful review of all applications, 7 grant awardees for the microresearch and NCD grants for graduate students have been selected. You can see the list of winning projects here. Congratulations to the winners!
The GNCDA 2021 calls for grant proposals which was published on June 5, 2021 have been extended! These grants are designed for graduate students, health professionals and medical residents. Whilst the eligibility criteria and requirements remain the same, the deadlines have been extended by one month.
To see the requirements or to apply, review the funding page.
Fulbright opportunities for Canadian faculty for the 22/23 academic year.
Our grants support research with colleagues across the U.S. for a 4 to 9-month period, applications are accepted through November 15th, 2021, and these opportunities are for a start date of September 2022 or January 2023.
The available opportunities, as well as all the eligibility and application requirements, are listed below:
Social Sciences |